Penetrating the walls (student X snape)

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"Y/n, follow me, i want you to enjoy every minute, it can't be here." He wiped a strand of off your hair, "were are you taking me .."you sighed impatiently. "Somewhere far away." He leaded you with his rough hand but with his soft moves. "It's beautiful Sev.." your eyes nailed on the view of a circled place surrounded with trees inside a forest, blue fairies whipping their small wings making the atmosphere seem golden and blue, your reflection crystalized on the small dark circled lake. "That'll do." He impatiently said and grabbed your head softly, made his way in with his soft mouth. His tongue felt like the most velvety thing while connecting with yours. "I love you." You whispered, he got off his black coat with the many buttons and laid it on the ground for you to sit comfortably.
"Come on princess." (Omg imagine him saying that like-.)  he got on top of you and licked your tender breasts and your lower stomach. You moaned as he got your school skirt out, making eye contact. You were now left with your black panties that you couldn't wait to rip off. Soon enough he fulfilled your desire and looking at you he said with his monotonic velvet voice. "Are you alright miss y/l/n." Then a loud boom was heard.

"I said. Are you alright miss y/l/n? were you daydreaming again?" He leaned over your desk. You cleared your throat with embarrassment. "It won't happen again." You lowered your head. "It's the third time this week miss." He crossed his arms on his chest. "It was nothing really.." "Legilimens!" He said. He saw everything, as you kept rewatching them unable to help it. He saw how you felt. "See me after class." He said with a lost, strict look. "Professor please.. can i go?" You almost cried out of embarrassment. "I'm afraid that's not possible." He leaned over your ear and whispered. "Don't be embarrassed." His monotonic voice sent shivers down your spine. Those few little words of him seemed to comfort you. He picked up the books he dropped on your desk to make you wake up.

The 1 hour he was lecturing the class seemed like a century because of how confusing what happened was, was he mad? Was he turned on? You can't tell, he always has the same facial expression. he told you to not be embarrassed but called you after class, probably to scrub the floor with your bare hands as detention.

The bell rang and you were sitting as back as you could in your chair while the cold classroom was being filled with silence after the students left.

He closed the door behind them and as his footsteps approached you, you were getting more and more stressed, you've never served detention with Snape but you definitely heard other stories of students that already have.

"So" he sat on the other side of your desk. "What-." "Professor it really was .. nonsense.. I don't.. may.. i go?" You started sweating. "Miss y/l/n.. i would deeply appreciate it if you kept your mouth shut for a minute or two.." he placed his hands on the desk. "So.. I apologize for penetrating.. your.. mind.. but exams are.. near by.. and every minute of daydreaming.. is.. waisted.." he gave you an almost calm look.. which is weird. "Wouldn't it be a shame ..if you fail your exams.. for a simple.. blunder?" He raised an eyebrow. "Indeed Professor and it will never happen again." You stood up and walked towards the door. "Excuse me, did i ever tell you to.. stand up?" He stood up too. "..I apologize."

"However, miss y/l/n, I cannot ..blame you for trying to ease that mind of yours." He continued. "What do you mean by that Professor?" You looked up and reached his eyes cause he was way taller than you.
"I mean that.. you have.. to give me your wand immediately." He gave you a straight cold look. "My..wand.. right." You took your wand out of your pocket ready for detention.
You handed it over to his big hand. With a simple wand movement he removed your robe. "Professor.. what are you doi-." You said. Your robe was removed and you were left with your white shirt and your school uniform skirt. "You will now go and bent over that desk." He said coldly. You did as you were told and you felt his presence behind you.

He kneeled right before your ass and slowly unzipped the little zipper on the back of your school shirt. Your behind was left with nothing but your black underwear.

Bam! You screamed, without even touching you he spanked you with a movement of your own wand. Bam! On the other cheek. Bam! Again. "Will you ever step a foot out of line?" He walked to your face. You shook your sweaty head. "Good girl.." he wiped your lips with his thumb.

He walked behind you again and his body got connected to yours. You could feel his erection even with all those layers of clothing. He leaned over you and lifted your upper body from the desk. He licked your neck and then sat you on the desk.

"For your information miss y/l/n, it's not the first time i penetrated your mind." He sat on the chair. "It seems like you break more rules than me mister Snape." You sniffed his hair that smelled weirdly great. "What did you say?" He stood up grabbed and choked you, left as much space as needed for you to not pass out. "you won't talk back to me like that? Alright good girl?" He breathed heavily in front of you. "What are you gonna do about it.." you moaned lightly and reached his thumb with your tongue. "Let's see." He raised an eyebrow and letted you fall down.

He took out that long cloak he always wore and was left with his buttoned coat. He placed his hand on his pocket and took out a little rope. "Turn around." He demanded. You did as you were told and faced the students desk that 15 minutes before you were brewing potions to. Snape tied your hands behind your back and opened a bag that he kept inside a cabinet on the back of the class.

He searched something inside it and grabbed a long black object with some chains. "What is this professor." You asked while he was still kneeled in front of the bag. "A fascinating object made by muggles." He said almost murmuring. "That'll do." He stood up and got behind you. He leaned towards your back and went through your hair, which sent shivers down your spine. "You really thought I haven't noticed silly girl?" He went through your back. "How you touch yourself at night thinking of me." He ripped off your panties as you moaned.

He placed his hand on your mouth kind of telling you what's gonna follow.

With a sharp movement he pushed the weird object inside your pussy, making you scream so loud that you even felt grateful that his hand was there on your mouth. He was grunting as he was watching you moan in pain and pleasure.

He was going with a very fast rhythm and as soon as you got used to it, you started enjoying it, it was so ridiculously pleasuring that you even forgot the fact that it was Snape who was doing it for you. He knew exactly how to please you and you couldn't get enough. He continued penetrating your pussy with his thumb inside your mouth sucking it. You could feel how much he needed it just by his face that had finally an expression of pleasure.

"Professor..please.." you screamed as he was slowing down, he watched  every second of you reaching the highest level of pleasure, that he managed to give you almost effortlessly, as you were coming he was grunting loudly which is something you liked.

He placed the object inside the bag and then came to your face, you were still breathing heavily. "That's why, you should never step a foot out of line." He smirked cockily. "Now get dressed." He untied your hands.

You got dressed as you were looking at him, he had his back on you. "I should get going." He turned around and opened the door for you. Then you left.

I apologize if this is way shorter than what I usually write but I'm kind of stressed at the moment. Hope you liked it i have very good one's coming. HAVE A GREAT DAY🌙 *again I apologize if you spot any grammar mistakes english is my second language*

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