Chapter 22- questions and visit

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It had been a day sence you told Levi your story. The day you told him, when you were done he had a look on his face. It was something you had never seen or expected to see on his face. It was surprised. You didn't question it though answered his last questions then watched as he left you.

Though today you were out of your right leg cast. Laying in bed as you have for the past day till someone calls you out to go to a meeting the scouts are required to go to. That was your plane until your door opened to the new Commander of the Scout, Hanji Zoe. 

"Hello Y/n." Hanji greets at the door of your room. They wore a green scouts jacket with white pants with the long boots required to wear. There hair was up as usual though now one eye is by a bandage. "Hello Hanji." 

You say trying to get up though get stoped from a frantic Commander. "Please lay down. You have broke ribs!" Hanji yells to you rushing to your side. You chuckle and nod laying back down. Moving to the side as they move a chair from your desk to right at your head. 

"Levi told me about your past. So I have a few questions, if you don't mind." Hanji says to you as they pull out a pen and note book. 

You nod. "Sure throw them at me." You say to them under your breath. Hanji smiles and nods. "Ok one, this is more for my own knowledge though if you had the chance would you see your parents? I mean, they did give you away. Still, if they were alive would you want to see them? I personally would have mixed feelings. Like I would but wouldn't." Hanji began to ramble. You didn't stop them from it though, it was comforting to you seeing this side of them.

 "Personally I would want to know ifThey're alive. Want to know if they had another family after I left. Even so I would punch my father across the face. Even if you would be an old man." You laugh at the words that came out of your mouth. 

Hanji began to quickly write what you said on there paper. "Next, you don't have an exact date for your birthday?" You shake your head. "No. Though I am happy for the birthday I have. I'm excited for the second snow fall." You answer there question. They began to write again. "How much knowledge did you know of the titans?" There voice got serious at the question. 

You move to lay on your back uncomfortable at the position you were before. 

"Well I had my guesses they were human. I'm sure Kenny did to. I knew that there was a person that could turn into a titan and that it was passed down. Though I didn't know there was more than one. I had my suspicions about people outside the walls though that never got a full answer. Even so the titans that killed many of your and now my comrades probably came from outside the wall. I May know it's true now but, back then it made sense for me to believe that. Why would someone inside the wall creat man eating titans and how. So people outside the walls made sense. Finally I knew about the powers of the titan the Reiss Family held. Which tied into the fact of the Ackerman clans persecution." You explain. 

Though Hanji couldn't see your eyes were holding something in them. Your heart calling out for someone to be with. It didn't matter as much as a used two of who it was. You just wanted someone, because explaining all of that and the silence that came after you felt as if you were the enemy again. Because you held all this information in that Erwin and maybe millions of scouts had died for. You didn't cry like your heart wanted to. Instead as you wait for Hanji to say something you calm your breathing trying to find a way so you won't hurt yourself doing so.

The sound of the pencil stopped with a sigh. "Crap. You knew all of this." They stop and lean in there chair pushing there bangs back. "I understand why you didn't tell us. You may not have held as much information as the late commander would have wanted though this is enough, we now know how much the last military knew. Though what you know doesn't mean the old king and his people didn't know more." Hanji explained to more themselves then you leaning over themselves.

"We'll learn more when time comes. Though the information we have right now is more than I was expecting and I'm happy with the progress we're making. Thank you for your time Y/n. I'll come around later. I'm sure Levi will bring some food here soon." Hanji said there goodbyes as you wave to them. 

They step both feet outside the door before closing it behind them. 

Again you were alone in the empty room. The sun was still high outside no sign for going down anytime soon. The people were as lively as well. Some still celebrating for the victory of the Scouts. Made you wonder about Mr and Mrs.Shafer. Thinking of them also made you think as Jacks food. Your mouth longed for his burnt food. Wanting to taste the no tase full crunch. You had always back then he would learn to cook properly. After tasting the meat before you left for the recent battle against the titans you now wish for burnt food. As said it may be crunchy, even so you have learned to love that crunch. 

That was the last sad thought you had though for the next hour. You grabbed Kenny's hat from your night stand and place it on your chest taking in breath's as you look out the window. 

This time though you saw kids. A big group of the playing tag. All smiling chasing after each other. "Oh how fun." The word barely leave your mouth.

"What are you looking at?" The deep voice of your Captain said at the door. You didn't look forward as you answer, "kids playing tag. I didn't notice you come in Captain. Do we have to go already." 

"Yeah. All of us minus Sasha. I came to get you." Levi responses to you. You smile as you look to him. "Ok I'll need some help Cap-" "Levi. Just Levi." He fixes the mistake you made. 

"Right, I'll need some help Levi." 

Without a word he comes to you and held out his hands. You didn't take them immediately because of the picture in front of you. The sun hit the right side of his body. Making his grey with a small mix of blue pop out and his jaw bone define. You wished you could have something to make the scene in front of your eyes forever. With this moment you had just realized how amazing Levi looked.

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