Chapter 39

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(5117 words) 

Ryder's pov

I was woken up by a phone ringing, I groaned snuggling closer to Bella hoping whoever it was would get the hint to stop calling. when the ringing stopped I sighed and was about to drift off back to sleep. only for the phone to ring again. I reached over Bella trying not to wake her up and grabbed the phone, "what?!" I whisper yelled angrily.

"damn who pissed in your cereal this morning?" Bobby joked, causing me to roll my eyes.

"what do you want I was sleeping," I said slipping out of bed and heading downstairs as I saw Bella stir in her sleep.

"at 11:30 in the morning?" he asked, "never mind, Ryder listen I wanted to apologize about last night, Amelia didn't have a right budding into you and Bella's business. she doesn't understand that there's a threat hanging over Bella's head," he explained.

"it's fine man but I don't want Amelia near Bella at the moment," I explained, "I know she was just looking out for her but what happened last night was very risky, she could have been taken," 

"yeah I get it man, but I didn't like the way you talked to my girl," he said. he was right I was rude. I wasn't one to apologize, but knowing Bella she would want me to. after all Amelia was Bobby's girlfriend and Bella's only girl friend.

"you're right it was wrong of me to be so rude," I said with Bella on my mind.

"was that your way of apologizing?!" Bobby questioned excitedly.

I rolled my eyes, "sure," I said thinking about what I could make Bella for breakfast.

"I can't believe this," he said sounding close to tears. dramatic much?

"you gave me your rare Ryder apology," he said sniffing. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah," I said

I heard shuffling, "listen I gotta go Amelias waking up, I'll catch you later," he said hanging up. I shrugged and put my phone on the table.

I thought about what I could make Bella for brunch. we usually have eggs or cereal, so I wanted to make something different. I checked the fridge and took notice of some of the ingredients. French toast would be good to make, I haven't made it in a while.

I pulled everything out that I would need and started to make it. halfway through I remember that I wasn't going to be here tonight since I have to meet up with my grandparents and my uncle. I grabbed my phone while watching the food and dialed Brian's number.

"yo," Brian said

"is it okay if you hang out with Bella tonight?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"umm why not ask Amelia?" he asked

I huffed angrily, "because they are kinda not talking right now," I hissed out.

"why not, they're like best friends?" he asked with a chuckle,

I sighed, "Amelia influenced Bella to lie to me and go to a party last night,"

"How is that a bad thing?" he asked confused.

"First she lied and second she has a threat over her head remember," I explained, "can you hang out or not," I snipped losing my patience, not that I really had any to begin with. 

"yep what time?" he asked not talking further on the matter.

"5:30 to about 8," I said slightly relieved.

"yep see yah then,"

"Thanks, man," I said hanging up. shortly after our French toast was ready. as I was putting them on plates I heard Bella coming down the stairs. when she came into the kitchen she was wearing a long sleeve shirt with a white shirt under it, grey sweatpants, and bright pink socks.

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