Chapter 22

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I looked up and saw my Dad standing there right in front of the door, "Dad?" I questioned confused. I thought Uncle Leo said he would be able to come home in a few days.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused hugging him. He hugged me back and kissed my head.

"I was able to come down for a couple of days," he said as I pulled away to look up at him.

"Are you okay honey?" he asked. No, I wasn't okay but I didn't want him to worry about it. Of course, I know I can tell my dad anything but he doesn't need my overthinking that was getting way out of hand, and that my anxiety was starting up again. He had enough to worry about.

"I'm okay Dad a little worried but okay," Dad seemed content with my answer and didn't ask further, "you have nothing to be worried about hun, Detective Leo isn't going to let anything happen and neither will I," I nodded at my Dads comforting words.

"Now we should go over some rules," I pouted but nodded understanding that he only wanted me to know the rules so that I was safe. He had made the rules when I met him for the first time. Except those rules were more strict.

"Rule number one, don't open the door for anyone unless you know them. If someone is at the door and they refuse to leave or if you feel like they are a threat, Detective Leo's phone number is on the fridge, including my work and cell phone number. If you tried all of these numbers and none of us answer call 911." I nodded.

"Rule number two, make sure the bolts and locks on the door are always secure, same goes for the back door, and windows are all locked and kept closed,"

"Rule number three, make sure you're never alone. You aren't allowed to walk to school anymore or walk home, by yourself. Detective Leo said he would be driving you to school from now one. Make sure that when you're at school you walk with people things like that," he said and I nodded.

"Rule number three, your gonna start your self-defense classes with Michael again every day right after school till six. The only day you won't have classes will be on the weekends but you will need to still practice at home, just for your safety," I nodded, "I already started about a week or two ago,"

My Dad seemed surprised that I had asked for the classes. I could see the pride shining in his eyes, "well that's good. I don't have any other rules at the moment, but how is everything else?" he asked

"Everything is okay I made some friends"

"Really?" he asked in disbelief. I nodded with a smile on my face. My Dad knew how hard it was for me to make friends. 

"Did you want to change into something more comfortable?" I asked now noticing that he was still in his work clothes.

"No im fine I have to go to my office and do some work in a bit,"

Before I could answer the front door opened, "yo sis where you at?" I heard Bobby yell causing my eyes to widen. I didn't know why he was coming over.

Bobby walked around the corner with a smile on his face only to frown when his eyes drifted over to my dad. He seemed to tense up and his smile disappeared and was replaced with a serious look.

"Bella who's this?" Bobby asked not taking his eyes off my Dad.

"Bobby this is my Dad, Dad this is Bobby," I said introducing them to each other.

Bobby relaxed when he heard this tall buff guy standing behind me was my Dad, and a smile was placed on his face. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir, I'm a friend of your daughters," Bobby said extending out his hand for my dad to shake.

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