Chapter 7

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WARNING: this might be triggering for some readers

The past week has been hell. I haven't heard from Bobby since I said bye to him in the parking lot a couple of days ago. My locker is filled with notes once again with worse words on them than before, and Molly has made sure my life is a living hell every single day.

Of course, on top of all that I haven't slept a wink. The nightmares seemed to get worse with each passing day. It also didn't help that I haven't touched my medications. I've noticed that my hands have been shaking a lot, which could be a side effect of not taking the medications but I'm not really sure.

It also didn't help that I haven't seen Michael since I talked back to him a couple of days ago. I felt so guilty for the way I treated him, he didn't deserve the rudeness I gave him. The guilt has just been eating me alive but I just have to suck it up until I see him again.

Now back to school after the weekend, I'm walking slow to my locker, completely tired. When I got to my locker I sighed not having the energy to carry all of those binders and textbooks, but know I have no other choice I put on my combination and opened the locker only for a bunch of notes and 3 razers to fall out.

I froze completely shocked I guess you could say to see the 3 razers instead of the usual one and triple the notes than the other days. I was glad the hallways were empty so I know no one saw.

I sighed and got down on my knees collecting the notes on the floor. I collected almost all of them when I reached out for one a hand grabbed it before I could. I looked up and saw Ryder. He looked different though.

His hair looked like he has run his hands through it millions of times. His eyes had dark purple circles under them as if he hasn't slept in days. His skin was paler than usual. Overall he looked downright tired and drained.

Ryder handed me the note and I gave him a quiet thank you and continued to pick up the rest of the notes. Ryder was still kneeled down watching me pick them up.

When I finished I stood back up leaning against the lockers trying to use as little energy as I could Ryder decided to speak up.

"Can we talk?" he asked standing up from his kneeled position. His voice sounded soft but there was a hidden emotion in it. Like a hidden plea to talk to him maybe?

I thought about that for a couple of seconds. Yes, I wanted to talk to Ryder but should I give him my time after basically ignoring me for about a week. Yet something deep down was telling me to listen to him and let him explain and that's exactly what I was going to choose.

"O-okay," I said looking up at him, I saw as his blue eyes light up at my response.

"Okay, can we talk during lunch maybe?" he asked stepping closer to me with a slight smile on his face.

"Can we meet in the library?" I asked

"Yes, of course, I promise I won't let you down, you have my word," he kissed my forehead and then walked away leaving me speechless.

For the first couple of periods, I couldn't focus on anything. My mind was focusing on Ryder and our talk later at lunch. I just hoped I made the right decision.

When lunch finally came around I headed straight to the library not wanting to waste any time with talking to Ryder. I got into the library and walked straight to the usual seat I have been sitting at for the past week.

I waited. Its 10 minutes into the period and still no Ryder, which made my nerves startup.

Don't be quick to judge Bella maybe he was just getting food and the lunch line is long. Yeah, yeah that's it that's why he's late I told myself.

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