Chapter 33

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It's been a couple of days since the incident in the hallway and things are somewhat back to normal. Amelia and I had gotten close after what happened, we hung out while the guys played video games. the bruising that was left on my neck has faded mostly which was good.  

Just like Bobby said we had gone to mama's kitchen. we were shocked when we found out Amelia had never gone there. so, of course, we had to take her, so she could have the best food out there like Bobby said, "if you haven't had you haven't lived." I honestly have no idea where he got that from but I'm not going to question it. 

Of course, what Bobby said was completely true. Amelia loved the food we had gotten, and even said it was the best food she ever had. Bobby has been bragging about how his words were true for the past couple of days now. 

we even got to see Ryder's grandparents Lily and Richard again, we had stopped in just before we left to go home that day. they invited us over for dinner including Amelia Friday night. which was today. 

The day after the incident we started to go to the gym again, even Amelia started to come with us. the first day she sat in the corner and did her homework and studied. but the second day she decided she wanted to work out a bit so she joined in with me while I was doing my work out and stretches. after that day we continued to do my warm-up together and then she did her own thing after that. 

Michael had even asked Amelia if she wanted to learn self-defense. at first, she declined because she wasn't comfortable with working out in front of the guys, which was understandable. but then Bobby talked her into doing it, he said he wanted her to at least learn something to defend herself. so when I learned she sat down and watched what I was doing and sometimes joined in.  

I have to say Amelia and I have gotten close since then, we even decided to have a girls day Saturday. we planned on watching movies and maybe going shopping. Ryder and Bobby rejected the mall idea but they ended up agreeing when they decided to invite themselves over to Brians's house. something about us not being safe without them around. 

back to today, Brian, Bobby, and I headed to Amelia's class to pick her up for lunch. "hey" I greeted her, she smiled over at me "hey girl," she said as she molded into Bobby's side. I looked between the two and wiggled my eyebrows causing her to blush. we both giggled and made our way down the hallway. 

as we walked everyone stared at us. I could feel the anxiety bubbling up in my chest making me look over at Amelia. we had both sat down while taking a break we had and talked about how we both hated attention. we concluded that we shouldn't let others upset us. we knew that with the boys especially Ryder and Bobby we could confide in them. however when they weren't around we would find strength in each other to move forward.

so looking over at Amelia we smiled at each other. she moved away from Bobby and came over to me the boys moving to the back of us. we giggled at each other and linked arms continuing our walk to the cafeteria with big smiles on our faces.

once we got to the cafeteria we quickly walked to our table and sat down waiting for the others to show up, "so I know were going to Ryder's grandparent's house and im lost on what to wear," Amelia spoke catching my attention, "I don't want to wear like a dress because I know that's to fancy but I don't want to wear sweatpants because that's to underdressed, you know," I nodded understanding.

"the first time I went to his grandparents I wore jeans and Ryder's sweatshirt. and they didn't even have a problem with it Ryder's grandma found it cute that I was wearing his clothes," I said matter of factly. Amelia was somewhat shocked probably at the fact I was wearing his clothes but over the past couple of days, she has seen how protective he was of me. 

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