Chapter 12

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After we got back from the diner we went our separate ways and decided to meet at Brian's house at 6:30. When we got home Ryder said he was gonna go for a jog so while he was doing that I decided to make a list for tomorrow's food shopping.

I opened the fridge to see what was left only for it to be empty besides 2 containers filled with pasta. So I wrote down some fruits and vegetables, including eggs, bacon, and milk. I also checked the cabinets and found them to be almost empty as well. I wrote down some things and then left it on the table just in case I needed to write down anything else.

I didn't know what else to do so I decided to just watch some tv until Ryder got back from his jog. I laid down on the couch and turned on the tv flipping through the channels. Nothing was really on that was interesting so I turned on Netflix instead and put on Zootopia. I know its a kids movie but I for some reason want to watch it.

I curled into Ryder's sweatshirt bringing the collar up to my face. I inhaled his scent that always seemed to calm me and pulled me into this little bubble of comfort. I couldn't help but relax completely feeling sleepy. One minute I was watching this cute little bunny in a cop uniform the next I was out like a light.

I woke up surrounded by warm, I moved closer to it letting out a content sigh when I got comfortable and felt myself start to doze off again but a chuckle stopped me from doing so. I opened my eyes to be met by a bright light making me blink a few times. When my eyes adjusted to the light I saw a chest right in front of me. I frowned and then looked up to see who it was and my eyes came in contact with blue eyes.

"How long was I asleep?" I asked snuggling back into his chest. His arm wrapped around my waist and his hand was playing with my hair, "about 2 hours," he started to rub the back of my neck making me feel sleepy again.

"What time is it?" I asked quietly sleep taking over my body.


I sprang up I have less than an hour to get ready and I still have no idea what I'm gonna wear, "shoot Ryder I have to get ready," I said getting out of his warm hold and running up the stairs. As I did so I could hear his laugh which made me laugh.

I ran straight for my closet to try and find an outfit. I was too focused on finding an outfit that I didn't hear Ryder come into my room, "you know what your wearing is fine," I shrieked not expecting him to be there. I placed a hand on my heart and turned to him, "you scared me," I said chuckling.

Ryder chuckled, "sorry," he said, "but back to what I was saying you don't need to change what your wearing is fine," of course he would say that I mean I'm wearing his sweatshirt. But I still felt like I should at least change its dinner at his grandparents. I felt like I should dress up a bit.

"Can I at least change into jeans?" I asked. I knew I didn't have to ask him for permission to change my clothes but I valued his opinion. "If you would like," he said and I smiled.

I grabbed a pair of ripped denim jeans and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I got out of the leggings and slipped on the jeans. I also brushed my teeth just in case and fixed my hair a bit seeing as my baby hairs were sticking up all over the place.

I was fishing through a makeup bag that my cousin gave me when I heard a knock on the bathroom door, "yeah?" I asked

"Are you dressed?"

"Yeah," I said and then the door opened. I finally found mascara and opened the tube to put it on when it was snatched out of my hands, "Ryder," I said frowning.

"You don't need makeup now put it away,"

"Don't I have to look presentable?" I asked. I never really had dinner with anyone's parents let alone grandparents so I have no idea what im doing.

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