Chapter 10

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Ryder and I are sitting on my couch watching friends in my living room. My back was against the arm of the couch while my legs were on Ryder's lap. His hands were resting on my legs, and his hand would occasionally rub my leg. 

After Ryder and I talked last night he brought me inside after I had calmed down and we had yet another conversation about it. It wasn't bad though if anything it made me a little bit more confident in myself.

"Come on Bella lets get you inside I don't want you getting sick," Ryder placed his hands on my shoulders moving me back so that I wasn't leaning against him. I rubbed my eyes feeling tired and worn out from another meltdown.

I looked up at Ryder with tired eyes as I watched him stretch. As he did the bottom of his shirt rose up showing a bit of his stomach. And let me tell you he has abs, I swore I saw his six-pack.

I heard Ryder chuckle making me look up at him only for him to already be looking down at me. I blushed and looked down feeling embarrassed that he had caught me checking him out.

Ryder laughed making me look up at him in awe. I did like his laugh, it made me all happy inside. I was happy to make him laugh since he isn't one to show his emotions.

When his chuckle died down he looked down at me and gave me a soft smile and stuck his hand out towards me. I looked down at his hand and then looked back up at him. He was patiently waiting for me to grab his hand.

I placed my hand in his. Ryder's huge hand engulfed my small one. I liked that it made me feel protected. He squeezed my hand making me look up at him.

"Come on Bella," he helped me stand up and I grabbed hold of the blanket. With my hand still holding onto his, he intertwined our hands together and started to walk towards my back door with me following close behind him.

Ryder opened the door and held it open for me I gave him a smile in thanks and walked in with him right behind me. He let go of my hand to close and lock the door and then he grabbed my hand in his once again.

I placed the blanket on the couch and Ryder started to pull me to the stairs. I didn't question him and just followed him upstairs and into my room. When we got to my room he walked me straight into the bathroom which made me frown.

Ryder flips the light switch on making me squint my eyes and blink a few times from the brightness. When my eyes adjusted to the light I looked up at Ryder who was looking down with a frown on his face.

I followed his gaze to my hand, specifically the hand I punched the mirror with. It was wrapped with gauze and other materials to keep it clean and it didn't hurt as much as it did before.

Why did I punch the mirror? I mean I hate violence so why would I act upon my emotions to do something so violent. I felt like a hypocrite, I knew I hated violence yet here I was punching a mirror.

My thoughts were cut short when I was picked up making me squeal. Ryder chuckled and placed me on the sink. He reached down into the cabinet and took out the first aid kit. He set down the kit and got to work on my knuckles. Unwrapping, recleaning, and rewrapping.

He put the kit back in the cabinet and then looked at me. His eyes were filled with what seemed to be adoration which confused me. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him only for a smile to grow on his face.

He lifted me off the sink and placed me down on the floor in front of him. Ryder tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear, the tips of his fingers skimming my cheek, "your so beautiful," I looked down. He was wrong.

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