Chapter 26

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By the time Mikey brought me home, it was around 4:30 and I was exhausted. The pain in my back and now my wrists just added to how tired and worn out I was. Mikey wouldn't let me carry my bag inside because of my back either. I felt kind of bad that he had to carry my things but there was no use in arguing with him.

We just got inside when I started to take out my homework, "what are you doing?" Mikey asked.

I frowned, "homework?" I questioned.

"Go take a shower it'll help you relax," he said taking my homework away from me. I frowned not wanting to get in the shower, I had a lot of work to do and I wanted to get it done.

However, I knew that he was just wanting what is best for me which is to relax, do with that in mind I nodded agreeing with him and headed upstairs into the shower.

As the warm water cascaded down my back a pained whimper left my lips, but after a couple of minutes, my back seemed to relax against the warm water.

I tried to wash my hair but every move I made caused my back to screaming in pain and my wrists as well. I made sure to be careful but soon enough I just rushed wanting to get out of there. I quickly finished and got out throwing on Ryder's sweatshirt and PJ pants.

I tried to dry my hair off but every move I made caused my back to shoot in pain. I trudged down the stairs with a towel in hand.

"Mikey?" I called quietly feeling like a lost child.

"Yeah Bell's?" He called from the living room. I walked in there seeing him sitting on the couch watching tv, "can you help me with drying my hair?" I asked.

He sent me a warm smile, "of course Bells, come here," he said. I walked over to him handing the towel to him and sat down between his legs. He started to dry my hair off being careful not to pull on my hair.

I always saw Mikey as the brother I never had and I was glad I got to know him. Over the last two years, he has become an important person in my life.

"Okay all done Bella," Mikey said getting up from behind me. He walked down the hall probably to throw the wet towel in the washer. He soon came back and sat back down next to me.

"Is it okay if I do some homework now?" I asked fiddling with my fingers. I was nervous because if he said no I didn't know when I would get my work done.

"Sure Bella, but if your back starts to hurt or your wrists take a break," he said and I nodded. I walked into the kitchen and place all of my homework out in front of me.

I decided to start on math seeing as math was the easiest subject for me. After half an hour I was able to finished all my maths work from yesterday and today.

I then decided to do English seeing as I have it in the morning and I have to finish reading up to chapter 10 and answer the questions. After an hour I was on the last page when Mikey came into the kitchen.

"Is pizza okay?" Mikey asked and I nodded getting back to work.

I was halfway done with my economic homework when the doorbell rang. Soon a pizza box was placed on the table. I took a break and ate with Mikey as he talked about his day. Soon we finished and I continued with my homework.

"Hey Bella I gotta head home now okay, Ryder should be here in 15 minutes," he said coming over to me and kissing my forehead, "okay thanks Mikey I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked and he nodded.

"See you tomorrow Bell's," he said closing the door. I locked the door right behind him and then got back to work. after I awhile I was starting to get thirsty so I got up and got a drink of cold water. as I headed back to my seat the front door opened, Ryder walked in closing and locking the door behind him.

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