two; demonic

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Little Monster - Royal Blood

Hey little monster, I got my eye on you
 Where are you going, where you running to?  

Two Years Later

"Snap!" Lilith shouted, slamming her hands down on the pile of cards. She grinned mischievously when she peeked under the cards only to find that it had not been a matching pair and she had not won. 

Kai chuckled watching as she threw her cards down onto the floor beside her in anger, pouting and crossing her arms childishly. "What is you were saying a year ago? Oh, it's just a game," he poked at her, his voice in a higher pitch as to imitate her. 

"Shut it, dick," she snapped, kicking his thigh resulting in him grabbing and twisting her ankle around so much that he flipped her onto her stomach. "Ow, ow, ow, I surrender," she squealed, slamming her palm on the wooden floorboards. 

"God, I just love hearing those words," he said with a malicious grin. Two years ago Lilith would have shivered from fright, now she shivers from pleasure. He let go of her ankle and grabbed his pile of cards that he had dropped. "I'm so happy you showed me this game," he told her, shoving a handful of pork rinds into his mouth. "I always seem to win," he boasted through his mouthful. 

Lilith pushed herself up, her nose scrunching up in disgust as he spat food everywhere. "I swear to God Kai, stop speaking with your mouth full of food, disgusting food too," she mumbled, dusting the bits from her jeans. 

"Are you kidding me? These are delicious and heavenly." A throaty moan escaped him as he threw his head back at the thought of pork rinds. 

His act stirred a feeling within Lilith, a familiar feeling. About a year ago she had developed a small crush on Kai as they became friends, somewhat, but it soon grew into something more than a little crush. Of course, Lilith knew he could never and would never return the feelings, not over his dead body as he put it and so she kept this emotion well hidden. At least she thought she did.

She felt her cheeks become hotter and forced her eyes away from him, instead she began to gather her cards whilst a question poked at her mind. "Kai?" She mumbled as she banged the cards on the floor to straighten them. 


"Have you ever been in love?" She asked, looking up at him. She didn't feel offended when he began to crack up at her joke, almost choking on his snack. 

"We've had this conversation before," he pointed out, staring at her. "One: I will never believe in love, two; love is for weak and crappy people who have no goals for the future, it just ties you down," he said with a wave of his hand.

"Love is when you can't be apart from someone for long. You're always thinking of them, and when you're with them you never want to say goodbye. When they smile it brightens up your day," Lilith told him, a smile on her face. She looked up at him and noticed his squint-eyed expression. 

"Sounds like someone knows that feeling," he deduced, munching on his pork rinds slowly. He continued to watch her in silence. The two continued to stare at each other until Kai let out a huff. "When I touched you, you didn't feel like a normal human," he told her. 

"What?" Lilith asked she looked at him as if he was absurd; he partly was in her mind, but that made him all the better. "What did I feel like?" She questioned, she was scared for the answer. 

Kai smirked, grabbing her wrist. "I don't know but theirs magic in you, a particularly weak spell was placed on you. I wonder was it your mother or your father who did this to you? Maybe someone else entirely." He narrowed his eyes at her, squeezing her wrist tighter. 

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