twenty; fiendish

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Mr. Diva - Jeffree Star

Bang your head, break your neck.

She stared down at the blood on her hands, the corpse of the man beneath her, the knife beside him.

The room door slammed open, cutting Lilith off and there stood Enzo, hanging up as he stared at the body. "Someone was a bit angry," he said, walking closer, careful not to stand in the blood.

14 hours earlier

"Elena wants to invite you to her thanksgiving dinner," said Liam as he sat in her and Charlie's dorm.

"Okay, I should probably give her my number," she laughed, looking through Charlie's wardrobe. "I assume it's a bit formal."

"Not really, I'm just dressing up a bit to impress her," Liam said, blushing lightly as he scratched his neck, embarrassed.

"Cute," said Lilith, laughing at him.

Once she had dressed herself and situated herself comfortably the two left. "Will you buy me wine?" Asked Liam as they walked past one of the shops. "From both of us if you want, you know as a thanksgiving present to everyone," Liam continued to ramble on, following her as she walked into the shop.

"What one?" She asked, looking at the shelves of many wines.

"A common one, something we know everyone likes."

"Beer," Lilith joked, high-fiving herself earning a disapproving glance from Liam. "What? Come on that was pretty quick for me," she defended herself but Liam was having none of it.

"Well, there is Pinot Noir or cabernet sauvignon," said Liam, raising an eyebrow. He noticed the blank expression on her face and sighed, his shoulders slumping forwards. "You haven't tried either have you?"

"Nope." She held out two hands. "Pick a hand," she told him. She giggled at his confused expression. Nonetheless he picked her right hand which held the option of Pinot Noir. "Pinot Noir it is," she said and grabbed the bottle. "And we'll grab white wine too, just in case," she said noticing his dubious looks.

The walk back to Whitemore College where the thanksgiving was set up, was filled with giggles and secrets. The moment they stepped through the door however they became less giddy and more friendly.

The two walked up to Elena, surprising her. "Liam, Lilith, hey you're here."

"Bearing the white wine of surrender. I owe you an apology. I checked Lady Whitmore's medical records again, and everything was normal, which I would have known if I had double-checked them before making accusations that were unfounded, baseless, dickish. Is that enough adjectives?"

"Getting there," flirted Elena.

"Ew, I'm out of here," said Lilith, scrunching her nose up. She walked over to the table, spotting the girl from last night, Liv. Also known as Kai's little sister. Just then she heard another name; Jo.

Her eyes squinted with amusement. "Wow, I try to forget about you but I seem to be crowded around your family," she mumbled to herself, spotting her name at the table. She grabbed a champagne glass and the red wine on the table, pouring herself some.

"Alright, if everyone could gather around at their assigned seats then, uh." Caroline noticed that only Lilith had sat down in her seat, downing her drink all the while.

In that moment, Luke walked in. "Oh, sorry I'm late," he said, smiling at Tyler when he showed him his seat, which was next to Lilith.

"We will each share something that we are thankful for in 100 words or less, so-"

black hearts; kai parkerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon