Chapter 1 Everything Old Is New Again

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The radio sounded as it turned on.

?: Come in Blue Command, come in. This is medical officer DuFresne. I have reached Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha, do you read?

The medic wore a suit of purple armor. He was on a cliff that overlooked the entire canyon.

Blue Command: Yes, dude, hello, can you read me? Hello? Check one, check two.

The voice was beyond distorted.

DuFresne: Come in Blue Command, I do not read.

Blue Command: Check two. Is this thing on? Hello, hello?

The voice was still distorted.

DuFresne: Blue Command, please boost your transmission to match communication protocol Echo Bravo-

The voice finally undistorted a little.

Blue Command: Yo, I hear you, calm down dude. What's going on? Hello, yo? Can you here me, hello?

DuFresne: Uh, Roger that command.

Blue Command: Sorry 'bout that, I was in the elevator. This thing doesn't work very well in there. What's going on dude?

DuFresne: Uh. . . Roger that. . . . Is this Blue Command?

Blue Command: Oh yeah man, sure, totally! What's goin' on?

The man seemed a bit. . . unprofessional.

DuFresne: You're sure? The Blue Command base?

Blue Command: Hey dude! Take it easy. You called me, I didn't call you.

DuFresne: No, I know, it's just-

Blue Command: It's just what, dude?

The medical officer sighed as the voice completely undistorted.

DuFresne: It's. . . never mind. I'm just letting you know I've reached Blood Gulch Outpost Alpha. I'm gonna make contact with the Blue Squad members.

Blue Command: Blood Gulch, Huh? Alright, let me look here, let me see what it says. . . Blood Gulch. Bloo-blee. . . B-L- Blu- Here we go. Blood gulch, okay. Says here, you want to make contact with Private Tucker and ask him about their wounded dude.

DuFresne: Roger that, any other orders?

Blue Command: Anything else. . . yeah, okay, yeah, it says here whatever you do, don't-oh! Okay never mind dude, I'm not supposed to read you that part, okay, just uh. . . You'll be okay, just, uh, be very careful. That's all.

DuFresne stared blankly for a second.

DuFresne: Great.

Blue Command: Alright then. Well, it's our goal here at Blue Command to provide excellent customer service and I hope that I have done that today. Uh, if you have any further questions about this radio transmission, you can just, um. . . You know, call back, say, "Dude, I've got some questions, what's goin' on." Over and out.

The purple medic let out a sigh of relief.

DuFresne: Okay, Private Tucker.

*At Blue Base*

The three blues were outside the base.

Tucker: Hey Church, we have a problem.

Church: I am not your mother, so don't come tattling to me every time one of you does something the other doesn't like.

Tucker: I'm telling you, he's crazy.

The cyan soldier motioned towards the plain Blue one.

Tucker: He keeps threatening me and talking in a scary voice.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season TwoWhere stories live. Discover now