Chapter 3 Red Vs Bleu

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The Reds, now completely out of ammo, had to resort to other methods to win.

Grif: No way is this bluff gonna work.

Ruby: We wouldn't have to use it if someone brought the extra ammo.

The orange soldier sighed.

Sarge: Doesn't matter, there's positively no way they know we're outta ammo.

Unfortunately for them, Sarge's deduction was incorrect.

Church: Yeah, they're definitely out of ammo. What are your terms?!

Tucker: Their what?

Church's yell echoed towards the reds.

Grif: Our what?

Simmons: I can't believe this is actually working. See if you can get Lopez back Sarge.

Grif: Oh yeah! 'Cause then he can fix the warthog.

Donut: Ooh. Ooh. Sarge, tell them we want the flag.

Grif: Yeah, and some cake.

Donut: Ooh. . . Wait wait, Sarge, just the cake.

Sarge: Alright Blues! First off, we want your flag-

Simmons: Wait, wait, wait just a second. The last time we got the flag the chick in the black armor showed up.

Sarge: -to stay right where it is. Keep the flag.

Ruby's eyes moved to the right of her visor.

Allison: I'm gonna shoot him.

A projection of a small, black armored soldier was on the right side of her visor. She talked directly into Ruby's helmet, making the other unable to hear her. The magenta soldier gave a soft giggle.

Sarge: But we do want our mechanized droid guy back!

Church: Uh oh.

Sarge: You may know him as Señor El Roboto!

The Blues looked at the cobalt soldier.

Tucker: Well Church, what's it gonna be?

Church: Chingado! No way, I'm not giving my body back! I just got this thing.

Sarge: And don't think you can keep his nuts! Or bolts, or other mechanical parts you may have!

Church: Uh-Uh, he's not here anymore!

Tucker: Yeah, he left! He was all like "Sayonara!" and then he just took off.

Ruby: That's Japanese!

Church: Shut up Tucker. Hey Reds! How about a medic? Would you take a medic as a hostage?

Doc: A hostage? But I'm supposed to go over there.

Simmons turned to his team.

Simmons: That sounds pretty good to me.

Ruby: My leg's fine now though.

Grif: Yeah, I think we can hold out for more.

Simmons: We don't have any bullets, dumbass.

Grif: Oh right, take the medic. The medic's a good deal.

The blues shifted their attention to the medic and Caboose.

Church: Hey Doc, how's the patient?

Doc: Doing well, he seems very alert and responsive.

Tucker: He's talking about Caboose, right?

Church: No, I mean his toe. How's the toe I shot?

Doc: What, that thing? That fell off like half an hour ago.

Caboose: Rest In Peace, pinkie toe!

His voice suddenly deepened!

Caboose: You shall be avenged!

Doc: *sighs* Tell you what, go ahead and send me over. I really don't think I can be anymore help.

Church: Okay, we're gonna send over our medic! Now what do we get?!

Simmons: You? You're surrendering! You don't get anything except humiliation and ridicule!

Tucker: We've already got that! What else do you have?! Oh, send over the girl!

A shock round flew through the air and hit the cyan soldier in the crotch!

Tucker: FUCK!

Ruby: Pervert.

Sarge: What do you want?! Besides Ruby!

Tucker was about to talk.

Church: Tucker, stop. How about you admit that the Red team sucks?!

The five Reds huddled up and whispered to each other.

Sarge: What if we admit that one of us sucks?!

Grif: Nice! Wait, you mean Donut right?

Ruby: Get a move on Grif, this is karma for not bringing the ammo.

*Two Hours Later*

Church: Okay then! We agree to the terms? You first, then we send over our medic!

Sarge: Get on with it Grif.

Grif: *groans* I would just like to let everybody know, that I suck!

Church: And?

Grif: And that I'm a little girl!

Church: What else?

Grif: And I like ribbons in my hair and I want to kiss all the boys. . . .

Sarge: This may be the greatest surrender of all time.

Simmons: Okay, is that good enough?

Church: Yeah! Alright, go ahead Doc.

DuFresne then walked up the reds.

Grif: Man, I really hope you're worth this.

Doc: Can I ask you a question? Do they put something in the water here?

Grif: Water? We ran out of water six months ago.

Doc: No water? Then what do you drink?

Grif: Uh, ketchup. . . soy sauce. . . gravy, the usual.

Sarge then walked up to Doc.

Sarge: I only drink the blood of my enemies, and occasionally a strawberry Yoo-hoo.

Ruby: I have a stash of apple juice.

Donut/Grif/Sarge/Simmons: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?

Red Vs Blue, & there's Magenta: Season TwoWhere stories live. Discover now