afterstory (2/2)

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extra chapter

"Hinata? Is there something in your mind?" Hinata looked beside him, when his seat mate suddenly talked to him.

"Why do you ask?" Hinata asked.

His classmate laughed a bit, "You looked like you're in very deep thought. Did you have a fight with Kenma?"

Hinata shook his head, "No. I was just thinking about on why did he ignore me last time.."

His classmate looked at him in shock, "Really? Kenma did that?"

"Yeah, I was thinking about it for the mean time now why did he do that, he just said I should blame Kuroo-san for it.." Hinata heaved a sigh.

His classmate laughed, "Oh! I think I know the reason now.."

"Really! What is it?"

"I think He tried the tiktok trend where you ignore your partner for hours, then see their reaction.." His classmate explains it to him.

"Really? There are trends like that? I only see volleyball in my tiktok.."

"How about you try it? Are you curious how would Kenma react?" He asked Hinata with a grin in his face.

Hinata looked up a bit to think, "Ignoring Kenma? He'll probably find out immediately what I am trying to pull off since he already tried it.."

"'re right, and it's Kenma we're talking about. Then how about a different challenge?"

"There's more?"

"Yeah! What do you expect? Tiktok is a worldwide platform. There are things like, pretending you're mad, calling him a wrong name, cheating prank and more.."

Hinata chuckled, "I think Kenma would know it's just a challenge."

"Just try it, try ignoring him..or you ignored him because you're mad or something.."

Hinata frowned, "But I never get mad at Kenma.."

His classmate just laughed at him, "That's why it's a challenge, he never ignored you too right? But still he did.."

Hinata smiled at his classmate and laughed a bit, "You're right! It's not like I'm mad for Kenma to accept the challenge but whatever, I'm going to try it too!"

After class, Hinata was excited on his way home. He has been thinking the whole day on how he should try his best not to pay attention to everything Kenma is going to do. Also, he is also curious on what he's about to do if Hinata ignores him.

He stopped on his tracks and turned to the school's exit.

Should I buy some apple pie in case he'll get upset?

Hinata just laughed to himself and rushed to the school's exit to buy some apple pie at the nearby pastry shop. Incase Kenma will get upset at Hinata, he have treats for him.

After buying Hinata immediately rushed to their dorms. He can already see the lights are already on, under the door. Meaning Kenma is already home.

Hinata took a deep breath and tapped his cheeks multiple times and put the apple pies inside his bag for Kenma not to notice it and entered their dorm.

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