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Argh! Hinata can't sleep. He kept thinking about what just Kenma did earlier but it clearly doesn't matter to Kenma because he didn't say a word after that. After Kenma took a bath, he laid down immediately and hovered over his phone.

Hinata can't communicate with Kenma that way so he chose to took a shower too and when he came back Kenma is already asleep.

And the lights are already off.

He slept so early, I thought we're going to play games before we sleep...Hinata thought.

Hinata sighed and decided to raise his head and take a peek at Kenma who's silently sleeping on the floor.

Hinata raise his hand and supported his head while still staring at Kenma.

Kenma's hair are all laid back and Hinata can clearly see Kenma's sleeping face.

His eyelashes are long..Hinata thought while staring at Kenma closely.

"Stop staring." Kenma suddenly spoke.

Hinata was startled when Kenma suddenly spoke because he didn't expect Kenma to be awake.

"You're not asleep?" Hinata asked, still looking down at Kenma.

Kenma opened his eyes and stared at Hinata.

"I was about to, but I felt you staring.." Kenma pointed out, still staring at Hinata.

Hinata pouted and diverted his gaze away from Kenma because of the intense stare Kenma is giving him.

"Uhm...s-sorry, I just couldn't sleep so I decided to peek at you sleeping.." Hinata mumbled in a low voice.

Kenma smiled a bit. "Peek at me while sleeping? That sounded wrong.."

Hinata pursed his lips to prevent himself from laughing. "It doesn't! You're just the one who thinks it in that way!" Hinata pouted.

"Think in what way?" Kenma asked while raising his head in Hinata's position with his one hand supporting it and his body still laying on the futon. In sideways.

Hinata's eyes widened. "N-Nothing! Nevermind it!!!"

Kenma eyed Hinata more seriously, making Hinata gulped and feeling nervous.

Waaahh, why is he staring at me like that?

"Shouyo." Kenma called.


"What do you think about me?" Kenma asked while looking at Hinata seriously.

"Think about..you?"

Kenma nodded. "Yeah."

"Hmm, I think you're kind, cool, and you know..." Hinata looked away at Kenma because he was embarrassed of what he is thinking right now about Kenma.



Kenma's eyes widened as soon as he heard what just Hinata said to him. Hinata already told him that in chat but hearing it coming right in his mouth just feels so different for Kenma and his heart was actually hammering inside him already when he heard that.

"H-How about you, Kenma?" Hinata asked still not looking at Kenma.


He nodded. "Yeah, what about you? What do you think about me?" Hinata asked and finally looked Kenma right into his eyes.

Though the room is quite dark Kenma can still see how cute and bright Hinata is.

"What do I think about you...huh?"

Hinata nodded once again.

Kenma fixed his position and squatted infront of Hinata and who is laying on the bed with his chest on the surface of the bed and his hand supporting his head.

Hinata looked at Kenma squatting infront of him and made their eye contact in the same level.

"I'm not sure how to answer that..." Kenma said while looking at Hinata's face.

Hinata pouted. "Is our friendship not that deep yet that you couldn't think some good points about me?" Hinata said in a low voice.

Kenma shook his head. "Nope, I just don't know how to describe what I think about you in words."

Hinata raise his another hand and cupped his own face still supporting his head with both hands now and giving the same look Kenma is also giving him.

"Though I have another way on telling you what I think about you though.." Kenma

Hinata's eyes brighten. "Yes? Yes? What is it? Tell me!" He said in a eager voice.

Kenma smiled at Hinata's cuteness.

"Why do you want to know what I think about you?" Kenma asked.

"Eh? I'm curious! You asked me what I think about you though!" Hinata immediately pointed out.

Kenma laughed a little. "Oh right..."

Hinata pouted even more.

"Alright then...I'll tell you." Kenma gave up.

Hinata smiled brightly and waited for Kenma to speak and stayed alerted for what he is about to say.

Kenma raise his one hand and Hinata couldn't believe with Kenma suddenly slipped palm in between Hinata's hair and his forehead. He placed his palm on Hinata's forehead, and Hinata immediately felt Kenma's warm hand in that area.

"Uh? Kenma?"

Kenma didn't break eye contact with Hinata.

He moved his palm upwards making Hinata's hair moved and revealing Hinata's forehead. Hinata's face went red when he realized what Kenma just did.

"E-Eh? K-Kenma? T-That's embarrassing!" Hinata said.

Both of his hands are still cupping and supporting his own head so he couldn't move Kenma's hand away.

Kenma smiled at Hinata.

"Don't be embarrassed, you look cute."

Hinata's face heated even more.


Kenma moved and leaned closer to Hinata making Hinata panic because of Kenma's sudden movement. His face was getting closer at Hinata and Hinata couldn't help but to close his eyes because he can't keep eye contact with Kenma because he's too close!

Seconds later Hinata felt something on his forehead. He opened his eyes and was shocked when he realized what just Kenma did.

Kenma just kissed Hinata's forehead.


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