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(this chapter contains manga spoilers)

The dinner with Kozume Family was so fun for Hinata. Kenma's parents are both so nice to him, and very welcoming. It's as if Hinata is their own child because of how the both of them treats him. Kenma on the other hand is just silently looking at Hinata getting along so well with his parents, Hinata looks so happy with his parents and that made Kenma happy too. Well, Kenma is also happy with Hinata's Mom because She looks a like so much with Hinata, and she's also as bright as him. Like mother like son.

"So you're from Miyagi, Shouyo-kun?" Kenma's Dad asked Hinata while looking at him with a warm smile on his face.

"Yes! Kozume-san." Hinata answered formally.

Kenma's Dad looked at Kenma who's silently eating and sometimes putting some meat or veggies on Hinata's plate. "You're close with our Kenma? Hmm?" His Dad asked.

Hinata smiled. "We're super close!"

Kenma's Mom smiled at Hinata. "That's very pleasant to hear, I've always wanted our Kenma to have another friend aside from our neighbour Tetsurou-kun.."

Hinata was instantly confused by the name. "Tetsurou?"

"Kuroo." Kenma leaned over to whisper, to enlighten Hinata.

"Oh! Rooster head!" Hinata answered causing Kenma's parents to laugh because of how Hinata described Kuroo's hair.

"Are you in high-school? Shouyo-kun?" Kenma's Mom asked.

Hinata immediately nodded. "I'm a first year in Karasuno," Hinata smiled.

"Oh, Karasuno! I remember Tenma from there." Kenma's Dad says while still smiling gently at Hinata. Kenma's Mom looked a lot like Kenma, specially their eyes. They're exactly the same.

"Tenma?" Hinata asked, confused.

"What was his nickname again? When he played volleyball?" Kenma's Dad looked at Kenma's Mom to ask.

"Little Giant." Kenma's Mom immediately says, and of course it made Hinata so thrilled and excited. And also shocked when hearing the Little Giant's name.

"He's Tenma??!!" Hinata excitedly asked.

Kenma's Dad nodded. "Yeah, I've seen a lot of his games before and I'm a fan."

"He's great right???" Hinata asked with his eyes sparkling in joy.

"Yes, he is. Do you look up to him? Shouyo-kun?" Kenma's Dad asked the obvious.

Hinata immediately nodded. "Yes!!! He's my inspiration, that's why I played volleyball! I want to be like him!"

"That's nice, to have someone who you look up to. Kenma just played volleyball because of Tetsurou-kun though," Kenma's Mom says and looked at Kenma and smiled. "Are you having fun playing volleyball now? Kenma?"

Kenma nodded a bit. "Yep."

"That's great!! Whenever I ask you if you're having fun playing volleyball back then you always answers 'not really' but now you said yes!! That's an improvement," Kenma's Mom said happily knowing that Kenma is now having fun from other things, aside from video games.

"Hmm..it's fun because Shouyo is there." Kenma bluntly said, that made Hinata's cheeks so red that was of course, noticed by Kenma's parents but assumed it was because he's shy of Kenma's sudden confession.

"Oh...I see, I knew Shouyo-kun is a good influence to you Kenma," Kenma's Mom giggled because of their cuteness.

They talked about more random things before they finally finished eating dinner. Hinata has a big smile on his face while tapping his tummy which is bloated because of too much food he ate earlier. Kenma just looked at Hinata looking so adorable with a big tummy.

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