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Hinata is looking at his own feet while holding his own hands and sitting on the waiting area in the train station. He's been feeling down since the match with Aoba Johsai, he just doesn't want to show it since he doesn't want his teammates to worry about him. Plus, his Mom has been cheering him up since yesterday, and Hinata feel bad if he kept being feeling down when his Mom is giving a lot of effort in cheering him up.

Kenma said he will arrive at 11PM and Hinata got earlier than the alloted time so he kept waiting for him until he arrives.

Hinata's phone beeped.

From: Kenma
Subject: already here
where are you?

From: Shouyo
Subject: Re: already here
Waiting area...

From: Kenma
Subject: okay
just wait there

From: Shouyo
Subject: Sure!!

Comparing to the first time Hinata waited for Kenma like this, he isn't feeling nervous at all like the last time. He don't know if it's because he's feeling sad because of how they lost or is it because he's already close with Kenma that he didn't feel any nervousness at all.

His phone notified once again and saw it's from his Instagram. Someone dmed him.


Watcha doiiinnnn?

I'm at the train station why?
Is there something wrong?

Noooopppeee. I actually saw
you at the train station and I
messaged u to test if you'll be
telling me da truth hehehe

Ehhh? (ಠ⌣ಠ)

Yahhhh, be good okiii. r u
going on a date?

Nooo, I'm just hanging out with
a friend...anyway why are you at the
train station?

Tanaka and I is going to shop
for gifts for Kiyoko-san hehehe

Why? Is it her birthday?

Nah-ahhhh just a gift 4
being such a good manager

Do you really need to ride a
train for a gift?

OF COURSEE! Only the best
4 the best manager

Oh..okayy!!! Goodluck!!

"Shouyo.." Hinata flinched when he heard Kenma called him.

He looked up to Kenma and a smile immediately appeared on his face when he saw Kenma standing infront of him.

"Kenma!!!" Hinata happily gleamed.

Kenma smiled. "Let's go."

Hinata nodded. Hinata slipped his phone back into his pocket and stood up to walk beside Kenma who's silently looking at him.

"Are you feeling okay?" Kenma asked.

He's been asking Hinata that question since yesterday, and until now he's still asking the same question.

Hinata nodded and smiled. "Of course! Don't worry about me Kenma!"

Kenma sighed and nodded. "I don't believe you." He says as he averted his eyes away from Hinata while still walking towards the exit.

Hinata went silent when he heard what Kenma just said.

When they reached outside Kenma and Hinata is still quiet. Hinata doesn't know what to say..he can't believe Kenma saw through him.

It's Kenma afterall...Hinata thought.

"It's fine, you don't need to tell me. Just let me stay with you for today." Kenma broke the silence between them, still walking.

Hinata gulped.

"I...I just couldn't believe we lost.." Hinata said in a low voice, surprising Kenma because he finally opened up to him.

Kenma chose his words carefully so that Hinata wouldn't feel even more sad.

"A team can't win always. There's always a time where we lose." Kenma said.

Hinata nodded. "I know...but I just feel sad about it."

Kenma stopped from his tracks and looked at Hinata and he was taken aback when he saw Hinata's eyes are actually teary and ready to cry.

Kenma is already panicking inside since he doesn't know what to do.

Hinata also stopped from walking and looked at Kenma who's eyes are nailed on Hinata.

"Kenma...? Is there something wrong?" Hinata asked, his eyes are still watery.

Kenma stared at Hinata for a moment. "Don't cry, please..." Kenma says.

Hinata instantly looked away from Kenma.

"E-Eh? I-I'm not going to cry!!!" He said in a convincing tone, though his voice is starting to crack up.

Kenma looked around the area and sighed.

Without hesitation, he pulled Hinata's arm and quickly embraced the latter making Hinata surprise by Kenma's sudden action.

Hinata's felt sad even more that Kenma is currently comforting him. He didn't even notice his tears starting to fall endlessly.

Hinata wrapped his arms on Kenma's waist and rested his chin on Kenma's shoulder and cried even more.

Kenma caressed Hinata's hair and his back by his other hand.

"It's fine...Shouyo..." Kenma whispered.

Hinata's embrace has gotten tighter.

"I..I swear we will win next time!!" Hinata oaths.

Kenma smiled a bit. "I'm sure you will..."

"And I'll be here watching you do that.."

Hinata spent more minutes crying while hugging Kenma, and he actually feel better. Now that Kenma is comforting him his sadness is actually going away and his heart is way more lighter than yesterday's.

Hinata sniffed and smiled a bit.

Hinata moved away from Kenma and looked at his eyes. Kenma immediately looked at Hinata whose eyes is puffy from crying so hard.

"I'm glad to have a friend like you!! You really is the best!!" Hinata smiled and moved beside Kenma to continue walking.

Kenma stared at Hinata's back while he's walking.

He frowned. "Yeah...maybe I am."


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