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When Kenma arrived at home his Mom immediately asked about the training camp, so of course she told him about it. Not about volleyball, but about Hinata and Kenma's mom can clearly tell what is going on already. The training camp is supposed to be a volleyball training but for Kenma's mom, the way Kenma tells his Mom about it...it sounds like he's having a vacation with Hinata.

It's already 7PM when Kenma got inside his room, took a shower and immediately fall onto his bed. He breathed with contentment because he can feel his whole body relaxing.

He reached out for his phone and tapped Hinata's caller ID.

It took him 4 rings to finally answer.

"Hey." Kenma greets.

"Kenmaaaaa..." Hinata prolonged with an obvious sad voice.

Hm? "Did something happened?", asked Kenma.

"Kageyama and I fought." Hinata says with still a sad voice.


"Well, when we arrived at school we decided to do some quicks and practice the quick where I open my eyes. But we ended up fighting and punched each other, and him having advantage with his height..he shoved me to the floor. But of course! I fought back, there's no way I'll lose. Then Tanaka-senpai arrived, turns out Yachi called him because she got scared of us fighting." Hinata tells Kenma what just happened to him and Kageyama earlier, which made Kenma worried immediately.

"Are you hurt? Are you uh, bleeding?" Kenma asked.

Hinata chuckles. "No!! Kageyama didn't punch me that hard, we just pushed each other hard. Plus, I was the one who attacked him first since his words really hurts my feelings."

"You shouldn't pick a fight." Kenma says.

"I know~~! But I was just so pissed with him earlier that I couldn't take it, I mean..he can call me dumbass everytime. Insults my skills and tells me I suck so bad, but earlier I was just hurt..." Hinata said in a very cute way, he sounded like a wounded puppy. Kenma was supposed to listen to him and be consult Hinata but he can't help it. Hinata in that tone is just so cute.

"You need to talk to him, to clear things with him. Arguing with your team mate won't cause you any good, specially the who tosses to you.."

Hinata scoffed. "Hmph! I have my pride too! My pride is higher than my height! I will not apologize to him until he takes back those words he said to me!"

"Hmm? And what if he won't take it back?" Kenma asked.

"I don't care!!! I will not apologize first!!" Hinata refused. "I've always tolerated his mean actions towards me! This time I won't!"

Kenma sighed. "Alright, then how are you going to synchronize with him if you two are in bad terms?"

"I don't care! Suga-san can toss to me!"

"Okay, I won't push you anymore. Just be careful okay? Don't get into a fight with someone else again, I don't want to see you hurting," Kenma reminded Hinata, and those words made Hinata blush like crazy.

"Kenma! When can I come over?" Hinata immediately bought it up.

"Whenever you want." Kenma answers.

"How about Friday?" Hinata suggested.

"You don't have classes?" Kenma asked.

"Hmm, I can go there after our classes and we can have sleep over!!!" Hinata exclaims.

Kenma was shocked when Hinata suddenly blurted out that he's going to stay in their house for a night. "R-Really?"

"Or maybe I can go home at Sunday! I'll just tell Mom about it!!!" Hinata suggested a better option.

Kenma was speechless and doesn't know what to say to Hinata. He clearly doesn't want to refuse but Hinata staying the night over means, they are going to share one room. Their house only have 3 rooms, one for his Mom and Dad and the other one is for him, and the last one is like a storage room because no one actually uses it.

His parents comes home in time always, they aren't that busy of work. Specially his Mom, his Mom always comes home early to cook food for Kenma and his Dad. So there's a possibility that his Mom and Dad will actually meet Hinata, both his parents already knew him since Kenma has been telling stories to them every dinner.

"Kenma??? Can I? Can I?" Hinata asked in adorable way.

Kenma smiled, though Hinata can't see it. "Sure. You can come over, why do you want to stay your weekend here anyway? You don't have practice at Saturday?"

"Noonnneee, Takeda-sensei will have a seminar for teachers this Saturday and Coach Ukai wouldn't come to coach us if Takeda-sensei isn't there." Hinata said.

"Okay. You know how to go to Tokyo right?" Kenma asked, he's worried about Hinata going alone.

"Yes!! I'll ask Mom for instructions!!" Hinata proudly said. "And do you want me to bring food, Kenma?"

Kenma's mind immediately thought of apple pie when Hinata asked that. "Uhmm...can you bring apple pie?" Kenma shyly asked.

"Apple pie? Sure!!! I'll bring you a whole circle of apple pie if you want." Hinata said. A whole circle? Cute.

"No, I can't eat that much. Just bring enough for us, do you eat apple pie too?" Kenma asked.

"I'm not a picky eater! I'll eat everything as long as it's edible!!"

Kenma laughed a little. "Alright. Bring apple pie."

"Yes!!!! See you soon! Kenma!" Hinata says with so much enthusiasm in his voice.

"Yeah, see you soon..."

"I'll call you okay? When I arrive?"


"Okay..I'll hang up now, Kenma!! I need to take a shower!" Hinata bids goodbye.

"Alright. Good night, Shouyo."

A smile appeared on Hinata's lips when he heard Kenma said his name with his low and soothing voice. "Good night! Kenma~~"

When their call ended. Kenma just stared at the ceiling of his room and thought over the words Hinata said to him.

He's coming over... He once again tells himself.

And will stay for 3days and 2 nights.

I hope it'll be alright.


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