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"So, have you worked on any other acting projects before?" Owen asks me, shoving his hands into the pockets of his black joggers. I somehow got bullied into going on the food run with him. Well, actually, the two of us lost against the others in a game of Nose-Goes, and now here we are...walking down the streets of Vancouver, two strangers getting food for more strangers. I guess they're only strangers to me, but still. 

"No, actually. This is my first real project of any sort. I mean, I've been in dance recitals and stuff, but that's about it," I shrug. "I wouldn't call this an acting project for me, either. I'm really just here as a backup dancer and choreographer's assistant." 

"Oh, c'mon, you've got a couple lines!" Owen objects.

"Yeah, I suppose," I breathe out, my cheeks puffing out. "And even those two lines I'm nervous about."

"I'm sure you'll be great. Kenny wouldn't hire you if he didn't think you were awesome."

"He hasn't even seen me act yet," I chuckle, kicking at a rock on the sidewalk. "So how long have you guys been in Vancouer?"

"Uh, the boys, Madison, and I have been here for a few of weeks. We've been going through our own little boot camp since then. We also finished recording the actual album for the soundtrack. I think everyone's here now, though, like dancer and other character wise. So on Monday we start the real boot camp."

"I'm a little nervous for that," I admit quietly. "Paul Becker called me a couple of weeks ago and explained his vision for the Other Side of Hollywood dance scene. It's...intense. He wants to disguise me and put me in the front line of that."

"Why disguise you?" Owen questions, cocking his head as he looks down at me. I realize then how tall he is. He's not towering over me or anything, but he's got a good five or six inches on me. 

"Because I'm already in the Dirty Candy group and in the school scenes, so if people caught on to me being there and the ghost club, it would seem like more than it is, story wise. But apparently Paul likes my dancing so much, he's willing to do all that. I'll take it as a compliment, I guess." 

"Well, you must be pretty good then. How long have you been dancing?"


Conversation between Owen and I flows easily as we continue our walk to get food and back. He's a great conversationalist, and I find myself feeling glad that I was forced to go with him. I got to know him quite well, and I guess I can say that I have an official friend on set besides Savannah come Monday morning. 

I learned a lot about Owen, like the fact that he was on two Nickelodeon shows before booking his part as the gay ghost of yet another children's show. I also learned that he's from Oklahoma, he used to be an active YouTuber, and that he's very funny and outgoing. He had me genuinely cracking up quite a few times. I also find out that he knew Savannah from a show they were on previously. They're actually good friends, which makes sense given their similar personalities.

By the time we get back to the building, I feel like I've spilled my entire life story to Owen. I haven't actually, but with the amount of chatting we did, it seems like it.

As we walk into the boys' apartment, we're greeted with the sight of Charlie and Jeremy laying dramatically on the floor, pretending to be dead. Savannah is strewn across the couch, acting the same.

"Uh oh, Joey," Owen sighs, looking at me. "I think we took so long with the food that they died."

I roll my eyes, a small smile playing at my lips. "I don't know how any of you landed this job. You're all shitty actors," I dig into the bags of food, pulling mine out as everyone starts laughing.

Sunshine [Owen Joyner]Where stories live. Discover now