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hiiii here's another chapter!!
thank you guys again for all the support on Sunshine hehe i love reading ur comments<3
ok that is all. enjoy, i love u all!!!
have a lovely day, sunshine babies! xoxo

"When is he supposed to get here? He said like twenty minutes ago!" I complain to Owen, who is sitting beside me on one of the two beds in our hotel room.

We got to Florida earlier this morning, and now we're waiting on Charlie's arrival so we can go out and do something.

Jeremy and Carolynn's wedding is tomorrow, and I could not be more excited. Not only to see them for the first time in months, but to watch them finally get married. It feels like I've been waiting for this forever, I can't even imagine how they feel.

Not to mention, I'm finally reuniting with Charlie for the first time since January and I'm starting to get antsy waiting on his arrival.

Owen and I have been hanging around in this hotel room for hours now, not sure how to occupy our time while we wait.

"I don't know, dude. He'll probably be here soon," Owen answers quietly, containing to scroll on his phone. I think he's getting annoyed with me asking about Charlie every few minutes.

I'm just excited.

Part of me keeps wondering if he's starting to get sick of me yet, but I don't think that's the case. He would've stopped hanging out with me if he's annoyed, but he still comes over to my apartment nearly every day if I'm not over at his.

The two of us have been seriously inseparable, I think it may be getting unhealthy. The longest we've gone without seeing each other since he returned from New York is three days, and even then he'd call me or be texting me for most of the day or vice versa.

My feelings for him have very much not gone away. If anything, they've only grown stronger over the days we've spent together. I can't help it. It doesn't help at all that most nights he'll stay at my apartment with me, sharing my bed so often that I hate sleeping alone. My apartment feels empty when he's not around.

Spending so much time with each other has been almost hard, because part of me just wants to scream at him and tell him that I think I'm in love with him, but the rational part of me knows better than that. I've been suppressing my feelings for so long, why not just keep it up?

I groan, throwing my head back into the pillow dramatically. I look over at Owen, who is watching me with an amused gaze. I stick my tongue out at him before adjusting my head so I can look at his phone. He's scrolling through his Instagram feed, which is kind of boring, but it's better than going through mine for the fifth time in an hour.

After a few minutes pass of silence between me and Owen, I hear the door start to jingle open with the sound of a key card being inserted. I let out a gasp, jumping up from the bed and crawling over Owen in the process. He groans when my elbow makes contact with his ribs, but I can't bother to care when the door opens to reveal my favorite Canadian man.

"Ahhh!" I scream, running up to the one and only Charlie Gillespie, throwing my arms around him.

"Hey, Jo," he chuckles, holding me tightly while I cling to him.

"Hi!" I grin, not quite letting go of him. "How are you? How was your trip? I missed you!"

"I missed you too!" He chuckles, letting the hotel door finally close behind him. "I'm good, trip was good. How are you?"

"So good! This is so exciting!" I can't help but grin at the boy in front of me. I let go of the hug, but he keeps his arm slung around my shoulders as Owen comes over to us.

Sunshine [Owen Joyner]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora