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hiiiii sunny babies!!!
this update is brought to you by the fact that it's my birthdaaaayyyyy!!! and updating makes me happy so this is a present to myself and you beautiful humans.
thank you for all of your continued support!
i love you always! enjoy!

I wake up the next morning with both Charlie and Owen's bodies curled into my own. The bed is spacious, but not big enough for all three of us to completely spread out, which means Owen has his arm strewn over my body with his hand resting on Charlie's stomach while Charlie has his face shoved into my shoulder.

I'm laying on my back, right in the middle of them with my right arm above my head, just over Owen's head as well. My left arm is halfway under Charlie's body, with little to no feeling left in it.

Shifting carefully, I try to think of a way to get out of this position without waking either of the sleeping boys. I have no clue what time they came back to the van last night, all I remember is Owen's body cuddling into mine before I feel asleep again.

And all I know right now, is that my bladder is beyond full and I need to find a bathroom some time soon or else I'll explode.

I very slowly and carefully slide down the bed, slipping the pillow that I was laying on in between the boys.

I look to the right when I hear Owen mumbling, "where are you going?"

"To find a bathroom. Go back to sleep, sunshine," I smooth his hair out of his face, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek.

"I'll come with you," his blue eyes flash open for a second, but close immediately after.

"No, babe, you stay here. I'll be fine."

I make a move to scoot out of the bed even more, but he grabs my arm gently, "wait."

He smiles lazily at me before puckering his lips, signaling that he wants a kiss. I shake my head with a smile, giving him what he wants before actually getting up.

He tiredly curls himself into my pillow replacement while I stretch out my body, slipping into a jacket that was thrown across the driver's seat. I'm pretty sure it's Charlie's, but I don't pay much attention to it before I slip into my sandals and hop out of the van.

I try to be as quiet as possible when opening and closing the sliding door, but Owen's already partially awake and Charlie can sleep through anything.

I make my way through the parking lot where the van is parked, starting to walk down the beach towards a small shack that we figured out was a bathroom last night.

I do my business quickly, making sure to fix my appearance in the mirror as much as I can. I didn't even think to bring my toothbrush with me, but I find myself wishing that I did. I should have brought all of my toiletries, and now this only means another trip later on today.

I have no clue what we're doing today. I'm not sure if we're staying at this beach, but I doubt it. Charlie is not able to stay in one place for too long, especially on a trip like this.

Apparently we're staying in a hotel tomorrow night, which means we'll all get to shower and kind of reset. I don't know what Charlie's plans are for the rest of our trip, but I do know we'll have at least two or three nights in a hotel so that we can keep up on our personal hygiene as much as possible.

The van has an outdoor shower connected to it, but that can only do so much for three people who are spending almost every second of the day outside or in a stuffy van.

I make my way back to the parking lot, taking in my surroundings as I do so. The beach is still completely empty, along with the parking lot. It can't be past eight in the morning, so it makes sense for it to be dead out here still.

Sunshine [Owen Joyner]On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara