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Sunshine just hit 1K reads....what the absolute hell....
I really posted this story thinking that it would get maybe 50 reads, but look at us go.
Thank you thank you thank you for all of your support, votes, and kind comments.
I truly adore each of youuuuu<3 
As always, let me know what you think and enjoy this chapter (it's a longer one yay)!!!

It's Halloween.

We had a full week of dancing and rehearsing, and we went especially hard today considering it's Thursday and Kenny is giving us tomorrow and Saturday off so we can have fun tonight. Kenny knows far too much about our extracurricular activities, especially given the fact that Charlie and Jeremy are the only two of us that can legally participate in lots of our activities.

All week Charlie has been insisting that we go out to this bar for the night, but apparently they let in underage people as long as you aren't drinking. Yes, that means the big X across all of our left hands. But if the internet has taught me anything, it's that Elmer's glue saves lives in this kind of situation.

I'm currently in the bathroom doing finishing touches to my makeup. Sav and I decided on coordinating costumes, an angel and a devil. Naturally, she's the angel and I'm the devil which is way too fitting. The boys refused to tell us what they're dressing up as, but they've been secretly planning it for weeks.

Just as I set my curling iron down, I reach up to brush something off of my cheek. The bathroom door opens and hits the wall with a slam. The culprit is screaming, making me jump back and yelp in fear. I somehow end up crouching on the ground, shielding my face as the boy runs at me. I cover my face, not wanting to look at which boy it is. They must all be dressed as deranged clowns. What the fuck. I hate clowns.

I look up, my heart racing. "Why are my eyes watering? What the fuck is wrong with you?" I stand up, dabbing at my waterline. Owen is standing there, laughing his ass off until he looks at my dewy eyes. I could honestly not tell you why my eyes are watering, I wasn't that scared. Sometimes when I wear eye makeup my eyes water more than normal.

"Oh my god. Why are you crying?" He immediately feels bad, stepping towards me. He still has a huge smile on his face.

"I'm going to fucking kill you," I deadpan, grabbing my devil horns from the bathroom counter.

"I'm sorry," he chuckles, grabbing my arms to stop me from leaving the bathroom. "Come here," he pulls me into his body, squeezing me tightly against him. I roll my eyes but allow myself to fall into his chest with a sigh. "I didn't think you'd get that scared."

"Yeah, because slamming the fucking door and screaming while dressed as a psycho clown wouldn't scare someone who's trying to get dressed in peace," I push him away from me, turning to look in the mirror so I can put on my horns and check out my outfit one last time.

"Well you still look good," he smirks, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Wish I could say the same for you," I throw back, running my hands over my dress. I like the outfit I'm wearing, but it is a little out of my comfort zone. It's a red pleather dress, and Savannah is wearing the same but in white. She's wearing my white boots, and I decided on a pair of similar but cheap red boots that I found. I also picked up a fluffy red jacket just incase it gets cold tonight. Sav and I may have gone a little too hard at the mall this week, but our fits do look incredible together.

"I think I look good. Don't you think I look handsome?" He motions to his body with a stupid smile. I bite my lip to suppress a smile as I look at him in the mirror, taking in his full look. He's got a yellow clown suit on with weird fringe pom-poms down the front. His face is lazily painted white with red smeared all around his lips, and his hair is messy and flowing all over the place.

Sunshine [Owen Joyner]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα