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"I think we've got it! Break for lunch!"

I let out a sigh of relief when Kenny's voice finally calls us off after three hours straight of filming the same scene. 

"God, I'm so ready to eat," Savannah groans, breaking character for the first time today. We've been shooting the scene where Julie and the boys perform together for the first time. They've already finished the actual performance part, and now Kenny's been trying to perfect the crowd's reactions. At least I've  had Sav next to me, seeing that I'm playing her little sidekick on the show. 

"Me too," I nod. "Let's go."

"Are we rehearsing All Eyes On Me after lunch?" She asks me, following me out of the stuffy gym.

"Yes," I groan, throwing my head back in agony. "But, hey. I'll take that over Other Side of Hollywood. It's a little lighter, at least." 

"Is that team not rehearsing today?"

"They are, but I'm off the hook from them for the day. Dirty Candy rehearsal, plus the fact that I helped Paul with most of the choreography, so I already know it."

"Not a bad deal," Savannah shrugs, turning her head when she hears someone jog up to us. "Oh, hey, Mads!"

"Hey! Hi, Joey," Madison waves at me. "You guys grabbing lunch?"

"We are. Wanna join us?"

"Yeah, sure!" Madison smiles, joining the line we were walking in. We make small talk as we make our way outside to the food tent.

Thankfully, it isn't too busy yet and we're able to grab our food and sit down pretty quickly. I practically moan when my butt meets the seat. My feet were starting to hurt, I need this break. At least we get a full hour and a half for lunch...maybe after this I'll find somewhere to take a nap.

"....Joey?" I see a hand wave in front of my face and I jump back.

"Oh, what's up? Sorry," I mumble sheepishly. I was lost in my thoughts. Thoughts about the nap I'm about to take.

"We were just asking about choreography," Madison answers. "How's the Other Side of Hollywood going?"

"It's going really well! Everyone's looking pretty good so far. I think it's gonna look awesome once we've got it all going together!"

"I'm so excited to see it," Savannah grins and I nod at her. "So, how are they gonna have you in it without people recognizing you?"

"Oh, uh, I'm not really sure yet. They've talked about changing up the makeup for sure, going heavier. And then a different wig, of course. It'll be a big switch up from Kayla's character for sure, but I think it'll look closer to natural me," I answer, slowly ripping off small bites of my sandwich. I'm not really that hungry, now that I think about it.

"Hm, that'll be interesting for sure. I wonder if people will notice," Madison says.

"I know," I nod along, setting my lunch down and standing up from the table. "I think I'm gonna head back to the trailer and lay down for a bit before rehearsal starts again."

"Okay," Sav smiles up at me. Madison says goodbye to me as I make my way out of the tent. I walk my way through a maze of makeup trailers before I finally find the one labeled specifically for Savannah and I as Dirty Candy. The other three girls have their own that they share, but since Sav plays such a big part, she only has to share with me. I'm not sure how I got so lucky with that, but I'm not complaining. 

I sling the door open tiredly, jumping when I see someone already asleep on the couch.

"Are you kidding me?" I groan, flipping the light switch on. "Owen!"

Sunshine [Owen Joyner]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz