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hiiii angels!!!
here's another update because missed you :)
i just read through this chapter again and it made me feel things. i hope it makes u feel things.
okay that's all. let me know what u think.
enjoy. i love u all very much thank u for the support. ur all so kind<3

"So, my dad has taken quite a liking to you," I smirk at the blonde who's sitting in the passenger seat of my car.

We just left my parents' house after another hour or so of hanging around. Once Owen came back up from hanging out with my dad, the four of us chatted in the living room for a while.

The two of us sat on the couch while my parents sat in the chairs across from us. Luna made herself right at home on Owen's lap, and he couldn't have been happier about it. He sat there grinning the entire time, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, which I am absolutely positive my mom noticed.

"Joey, your dad is so fucking cool!" He responds to me, nearly bouncing in the seat. I laugh. "He has so many stories about his band and all the shit they did, and that man can shred on the drums. He's a total badass."

"That's Mark for you," I shrug with a smile. "He is a cool dude."

"You don't understand, J. I wanna be best friends with your parents!"

I look to my right, raising my eyebrows at the boy. "Oh, so you meet my parents and now you wanna kick me to the curb? I see how it is, sunshine."

"Never, sunflower," he grins, scrunching his nose at me. My heart thuds in my chest, my whole body going into a frenzy. Sunflower. "You're my ticket to the fantastic humans who raised you."

"Oh, fuck off," I roll my eyes, reaching over to smack his leg. "My parents do love you, though. My mom wouldn't stop gushing when you were downstairs."

"What can I say? The ladies love me," he sits back in the seat confidently and I almost smack him again.

"I am going to push you out of this car."

"Oh, but what would my sweet sunflower do if she didn't have the sun to follow anymore?" He teases, batting his eyelashes. There goes my heart again.

My sweet sunflower.

"You think you're hot shit, don't you?" I joke, trying to keep my cool while my insides are on fire.

"A little bit," he shrugs.

I bite my lip, staring straight at the road in an attempt to hide the smile threatening to break through on my face.

This man really does have my whole heart right in the palm of his hand.

"Am I taking you home?" I ask quietly after a while of silence between us. I think we're both getting a little tired...it's been a long day.

"Jeez, at least buy me dinner first," he jokes, earning another eye roll from me.

"Didn't realize you were so old fashioned," I tease back, shooting him a smirk. He chuckles, leaning his head against the window.

"Can I come to your place?" He asks me softly. The tone of his voice makes my heart ache. He's so sweet.

"Of course," I nod almost too quickly.

"Do you remember when we were in Vancouver and you were all worried that we would never speak again after filming? You were convinced I'd drop your ass," he looks over at me with an amused gaze.

"There's still time. I'm still convinced it's gonna happen," I respond.

"I don't think you understand how much you mean to me," he laughs, but something tells me that his words mean more than either of us can comprehend. "I'm not going anywhere, Jo. As long as you'll have me."

Sunshine [Owen Joyner]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora