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hello hello welcome back
here's another update for you guys :) 
thank you guys for 14k reads that's so insane to me ahh!!!

pls keep the feedback coming i truly love reading your comments!!
this is a little bit of a filler chapter again i'm sorry but another update will be coming soon! 
ok that is all. enjoy sunshine babies. love u all<3

After the boys and I grabbed lunch at a small shack a few minutes down from the beach, we headed back to our previous spot and hung out for a few more hours.

We swam a little bit, but I mostly laid in the sun and relaxed. I needed it.

We made our trek back to the hotel and while the boys were fighting over who got to shower first, I hopped in and took my own shower. They were still arguing when I came out...Imagine the shock on their faces when I waltzed into the living room with a towel on my head and a set of fresh clothes on my body.

Once I'm all showered and changed, I decide to lock myself in my room and away from the boys for a few hours. I love them, don't get me wrong, but my body and mind are used to being alone and they've just got the most chaotic energy. I'm not used to it anymore.

I flop down on my stomach with my laptop, going to pull up Netflix so I can just hang out and chill for a little bit.

Just as I'm getting into my show, the sound goes out and my laptop freezes. Seconds later, I see my face pop up and an incoming FaceTime call from my mother.

I smile to myself, pressing accept. It connects, revealing the smiling face of my favorite woman.

"Hi, Jo!" She grins excitedly.

"Hi, mom!"

"How are you, sweetheart? How's the trip?" She asks, holding her phone out like she's taking a selfie.

"It's been so much fun! It's so good to be back with everyone," I smile, thinking about the boys who are probably right outside. "The weather is insane, also. We went to the beach today."

"So much fun! I'm jealous!"

"I know, I know. How's the week been? How's dad? The dog? Cat?"

"Everything and everyone is so good! Winnie did eat another remote, but that's nothing new to you."

"Hm, shocker," I roll my eyes, remembering how many remotes we used to go through because of our golden retriever that really likes plastic.

"What else are you guys doing this week? Anything fun?"

"We don't have much planned yet, we kinda need to work on that. We'll probably do some hikes, go to more beaches. The pool here is also so nice, so we'll probably go there a lot," I shrug, thinking about our endless possibilities of adventure in Hawaii.

"Well, no matter what you do, it'll be fun! Especially if those boys are anything like I think they are," my mom raises her eyebrows at me with a knowing smile.

My mom and I are very close, and I tell her everything...meaning that when I came home from Vancouver, I had a million stories to tell about my time there, each of them involving one of those three boys in some way. My mom has heard all about their chaos, and she loves it.

"Oh, I'm sure," I nod, looking up at my closed door when I hear it open quickly.

"I need more aloe," Owen blurts out while standing in my doorway. I stare at him with an amused smile, placing my hands under my chin.

"Why's that, sunshine? Didn't put more sunscreen on?" I tease him, briefly forgetting about my mother on FaceTime right in front of me.

"Jo, please. Where is it?" He whines, pouting. I roll my eyes, pointing at my suitcase.

Sunshine [Owen Joyner]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang