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It's been hours since we began running and I felt relaxed, feeling the air hitting my skin. Running is nowhere tiring for me, instead a relief, if I may describe it. I noticed the other applicants who were left behind, catching for their breath, some just given up, I shook my head a little, thinking that this exam isn't really for them.

"Hey, wait up Kid!" Leorio suddenly shouted, breaking my train of thoughts. I turned to look behind me and saw a kid riding a skateboard. "You should pay respect for the Hunter Exam!"


"Why are you using a skateboard ? That's like cheating!"


"Why? This is an endurance test you—"

"No it's isn't"

Gon suddenly appeared behind them, I slowed down my pace to catch up on their conversation. I think it would be interesting to listen for a while.

"Satotz-san just told us to follow him, he never told us how."

"Gon, really, whose side are you on?"

The white-haired boy then made his way beside Gon then asked for his age, to which the boy replied, enthusiastically.

"I'm 12!"

After he replied, the boy flipped his skateboard, deciding he would run, just like the others.

"I'm Killua" he introduced.

"I'm Gon."

A little smile formed on my lips, I think a friendship is starting to bloom right behind my very eyes. It's a rare sight you see and to be able to witness this scene is just too much for me , I felt my heart would burst into pieces.

"Eh~whose that blind fold girl over there?" Killua asked, looking over at me.

"Fischl," I simply said, waving my hands to him. I then dash, forward, leaving those two behind. I didn't really want to reveal myself that much, I think we will be just acquaintances and think that friendship will end as soon as the hunter exam comes to an end .

"Oi, where are you going, I'm not done asking questions!"

It's been hours and yet they were still running, I don't keep track of how many kilometers we run as I think it would be just a distraction. I also looked behind from time to time to check the little gang but I faltered a little bit when I noticed Leorio going slow. I was about to help him when he suddenly sprinted, leaving us behind. I chuckled and grew motivated at what Leorio showed.

"Guess I'll have to quick up my pace." she muttered to herself.

"Ah she talks!"

I yelped and jolted out of my place when I heard that voice. I turned to see that it was just Killua and Gon, now laughing at me. I blushed, thinking of how embarrassing it was.

"You're too quiet, Fiz," Killua said bringing his hand to his chin. "I'm thinking, are you just too focused or are you just shy of befriending new people?"

"It's not like that..."

I don't know what to say. Well I didn't go the hunter exam to become a hunter in the first place, I just went here to spy on my father's men who were also part of the exam. But I couldn't just spat out that to them, it's secretive information.

I was about to response when I felt Gon's arms went over my shoulders. Making my face close to his body. I was never been that close to a boy before. It was a good thing I good composure.

Satotz led the group into unending flight of stairs but it didn't disrupt my stamina bit. While the whole group was busy catching up with Satotz. The Boys beside me began to bet that whoever finishes first, the loser will buy their dinner.

"What are you smiling for Fiz? you're also part of the race!"


The two boys just sprinted leaving me there confused. I decided to follow those two and successfully outrun them. I then met Kurapika and Leorio, who were busy talking about something, I decided to run with them and listen for a while.

"Are you really going to be a hunter just for the money?" Kurapika asked, still focusing his gaze in front. "You aren't, right? I mean we've only been together for a few days, but I know you're better than that."

Leorio gave a look and Kurapika still continued talking.

"Sure you have a nasty attitude and you aren't that bright,"

After Kurapika commented that, Leorio looked pissed, I was about to stop Kurapika from talking but the blonde boy was determined.

"But you're not a shallow person, I've seen people live for money, you're not like them."

"Damn, you and your logic," Leorio spat.

Then Kurapika continued his talking by explaining why his clan was targeted, both me and Leorio listened to every word he said and we even felt sorry for the boy.

"I swear, I will capture the Phantom Troupe!"Kurapika then stopped for second before continuing talking again. "And I will reclaim the eyes of my clan,"

Something about what he said made me feel like something. I think my mother had told some story similar to his situation, I better ask mother when I get back home.

"If I had money, then my friend wouldn't have died,"

Then Leorio proceeded telling his past about his friend who died of an illness then provides explanation why he wanted to become a doctor in the first place.

"I was naive, I thought I could become a doctor, I wanted to cure those kids who have the same disease and be able to tell them it was free of charge, then I could have told his parents too," He said as he gasps for air for running while talking. "That is my dream!"

"But it turns out...in order to become a doctor you need more money! Got it? The world runs on money, I want money!"

The last line hit me so hard. Maybe because I did this for the money or I am a slave for money that I would do anything to have it. I swallowed my pride and agreed with what the man said. The world indeed runs for money.

"I agree..." I said silently, catching their attention.

"See, even Fiz thinks so!"

Kurapika just smiled at us and then continued running, soon Gon and Killua catched up.

"See you all at the finish line, Fiz and Kurapika," Gon said smiling at them

"Catch you later, old timer!"

Leorio suddenly gasped at what Killua said to him. "Hey I'm just a teenager like you guys!"

"No way in hell!"

"This unbelievable,"

If any if you guys have a hard time pronouncing/reading the OC's name it's pronounced as Fis●chal

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