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"Tsk, another marathon!" Leorio grumbled as he tried to keep up with the group.

"And we're running through marsh this time, running on wet ground requires more energy," Kurapika replied and his eyes lingered at me for seconds. Those eyes are killing me inside. It's like trying to see through me.

Are they perhaps trying to build a relationship with me? I don't want to drag them down on my mess, my grandfather clearly told me to focus on my assignment and nothing else. If I did befriend them, my father's men would have to target them too.

"Your father was right when he told us you'd be here,"

I turned to my right and saw the person I least expected to see here. My mouth almost ran dry, those familiar features almost made me quiver in fear. I thought I had decapitated his head last week but yet, he's still here, looking fine.

"Surprised? If I were you, I would be, too,"

I could definitely see the aura overflowing, by the looks of it, he got stronger. He is built different right now, not the same weakling I saw that night.

"I'm so thankful for your father, you see, he was the one who resurrected me," He smiled wickedly, his eyes showing a gleam. He's still the same dork I see, didn't entirely changed. "He also gave me a bit of his power, I could finally land a punch on your fucking face,"

"That's sad..." I replied and gave him a cocky smile. "You need someone else just to defeat me,"

"I will beat you up till you can't put a smirk on your face anymore," He gritted his teeth, his fists clenching almost raising them to punch me.

"Say that when you are able to punch me without using my father's power,"


I readied myself to block his attacks when someone pulled me to their side. It was Gon, his eyes flashed with anger for a moment before I decided to snap him off. I tapped on his hand that were gripping on my arm and held them to reassure him that it was fine.

"I see girlie had made friends, I wonder...if I should..." He trailed before cracking his fists that made the four change their stance. It made me nervous. I knew they are strong but they are not that strong to defeat this man yet. I could see it.

"We'll settle our fight after this," I told him and he nodded in agreement.

"I see, you are definitely his daughter, almost like his replica," He said that one last time before dashing off.

Well, that's my first time hearing that. No one ever told me what kind of person my father is, they just told me that he is immoral. I only seen him in pictures and that's it. To be able to receive that today kinda makes me feel weird.

Four of them always glance at me any minute, checking me if I'm gonna do something off. Are they suspicious of me now like Kurapika?

As the fog was getting thicker, I unconsciously went a little bit closer to Kurapika. I let out a small yelp when he accidentally hit my chest with his elbow.

"Oh, I'm sorry for going to close," I whispered, soothing the part where he hit me.

"Why are you saying sorry when it's my fault, Fishcl?" he mumbled making me a little nervous. "Is that out of your habit?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry,"

"There you go again, you shouldn't be,"

"I'm so—"I almost slipped saying sorry again. Is this the effect of being in guilt always?

"I heard your conversation with that man," Kurapika blurted out, "Actually all four of us heard it,"

I sighed and saw their worried glances at me. I just smiled at them but it didn't even make them happy a bit.

"It's okay if you don't want to say anything about it,"

Glad I met the right people. So far, they haven't forced me to say anything yet. I really hope it lasts.

I then focused on running this time I was already with Gon and Killua, then I noticed some men gathering behind, by the looks of it, I think they were planning something. I looked at the both boys and met Killua's gaze, I then gave him a knowing nod.


Gon turned to look at him his face wondering why Killua called him.

"Let's move up to the front,"

"Yeah, we wouldn't want to lose sight of the examiner,"

"I'm more concerned with increasing the distance between us and Hisoka," he then took a glance once more at the back, "staying to close to him is dangerous, I can smell it in the air,"

"Smell? Hmm but Hisoka doesn't smell,"

I let out a small laugh at what he said. Gon is too precious for this world, I might have to protect him right now.

"Leorio, Kurapika! Killua said to move on up!"

"Hey! Can't you feel the tension surrounding us?" Killua stammered.

Gon's too oblivious, I don't know if I should be worried or not.

"Moron, if I had the strength, I would already be there!" We heard Leorio replied.

"Don't worry about us!" Kurapika added.

Their response assured as three so we decided to head on to the front without looking back. The fog was getting thicker so I was having a hard time seeing so I hold on to Gon's bag for support. Minutes later we heard screams from behind us. I grew worried and couldn't think properly.

"I hear people screaming around us," Gon said and noticed that I was holding on his bag. I smiled thinking he was gonna be angry but what he did next made me flustured. He grabbed on my hand, entwining it so I held on it, instead.

"Just stay on your guard," Killua said and then his eyes flew to us. He then went to my side and held my other hand.


"Don't worry so the three of us wouldn't get separated," Killua said and gave me a smile but soon those smile faltered when we felt the ground below us fell. This made the three of us shout then in a split-second we were swallowed by an unknown creature.

I can use my nen to open it's body but before I could even do that, the creature puked us out.

"Guess he didn't like the taste of us," Gon said and laughed.

Killua then pulled something out of his pockets, revealing the same juice that the Tonpa guy had offered to me earlier.

"Ah! That was from Tonpa!" Both me and Gon shouted which made us chuckle when we realized what we done.

"Guess that saved us,"

"Well I could have escaped," Killua stated throwing the can away. Well I do feel the same, I could definitely escaped that creature all on my own.

"I'm still worried about Leorio and Kurapika," Gon muttered.

I had a feeling that they were not fine at all. I stood up and quickly ran to look for them. I guess the two boys didn't notice me leaving them, I couldn't hear their footsteps anymore. They will be fine if I leave them for a moment, I mean they both have each other.

I looked over to the distance and saw people gathering, I smiled thinking that Leorio and Kurapika would be in that group but it soon faltered when I realized that it wasn't them but instead it was Hisoka and some goons who has their weapons ready.

I went to hide in the bush to see what will happen next.

"When I saw you last year, I knew you were not hunter material," a guy said.

"We will spare if you swear not to take the Hunter exam again,"

"Sure," Hisoka replied which made the guys shocked.

"I'm passing this year's exam, so I won't need to retake it,"

"Passing? Idiot! Look at this fog, It's impossible to determine which direction the main pack went!"

"Meaning we've all failed the exam,"

Hisoka let out a laugh and then turned serious. "Having failed the exam and you wish to play examiner,"

"Hunters require prey, why don't I play examiner and judge whether you are hunter material?,"

I got shivers when he said that line, I hid myself more in the bush, fearing that he would see me.

Then all of guys attacked, slashing their weapons in every direction but Hisoka didn't get hit as what as I expected and with only his card, he sliced it through his opponents making them all stop moving and drop dead on the ground.

The one remaining was scrambling on his feet, he was trembling and couldn't seem to get away from him fast. He was desperately shouting help not until Hisoka threw another card on his head. His eyes then darted to the side, I turned to where he looked and saw Leorio and Kurapika standing in there.

"Care to participate in my little game of examiner,"

Then Hisoka advances on to them I was about to jump in when the two suddenly bolted out of there and decided to run in different direction making Hisoka stop on his track.

"A wise decision,"

"This Hisoka guy sure is weird," I muttered to myself as I stare at him laughing again. I slowly stood up and find those two, I decided to run to where Kurapika went, I'm sure he's somewhere here.

After a while of running I finally bumped into him and he told to me that Leorio went back to fight Hisoka. Every part of me was at paused while thoughts caught up on me. I felt a cold shiver on my back. I shouldn't have left that bush.

We quickly went back and saw Gon laying on all fours. I mentally gulped at the sight. What just happened?

"Gon!" Kurapika yelled while we were running to him. "Are you alright?"

He nodded and we helped him to get back up. Then we decided to make a run for it as we all know some participants are already at phase two. Gon leads us as he claimed he could smell Leorio's cologne from afar.

"Hey, Kurapika, what did Hisoka mean when he said that we passed?"

"Hisoka was acting as a judge,"



Their lips were in a grim line, I could tell that they are still shocked at what happened earlier. I placed my hand at my chest and I could still feel the fear that was lingering on to me. Hisoka is not just a simple opponent, I could feel power within.

"He must have his own benchmark for evaluating power, it's possible that he was ascertaining each applicant's strength," Kurapika explained. "Apparantely you and Leorio must have passed his standards,"

"I see but I am powerless to do anything against him."

"Didn't you land your first hit on him?"

I turned to look at Gon. I didn't see that as I was busy finding Kurapika. "Damn it, I shouldn't have left the bush,"

Both of them turned to look at me and I realized that I must have said my thoughts out loud again. But good thing they didn't mind it as they just carried on their conversation.

"Only because I surprised him, besides, Leorio passed even though he lost"

"Hmm...Perhaps he sensed that both of you are kindred spirits,"


"I seriously doubt that Hisoka could qualify as a Hunter," Kurapika pointed out. "However, he did impress me with his superhuman agility and graceful technique. It's quite common that those possessing special talents are drawn to others with unique gifts,"

"Most likely, Hisoka instincts and experience told him that you had the skill and potential to become Hunters. Killing you now would be a waste. That was his perspective,"

Gon stayed silent for a while which made both of us worry on him.

"Oh sorry, was that insensitive on my part?"

"No." Gon finally responded. "But I was pretty excited, as well,"

'Is this kid insane?' I thought as I stared at him for too long. I didn't expect him to say that, only a psycho would say that.

"I was so scared, I wanted to run away, but at the same time I was excited," Gon was a little bit hyper. "Isn't that strange?"

Boy, it is.

We ran for another kilometer until we saw the finish line. I felt all the pain in my body gone away. I couldn't stop myself form being excited what the next second phase will be. 

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