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"How can you look so jolly?"

"Jolly? I've never been jolly, what do you mean?" Confused,he snapped a finger in front of my face.

"You look like you are on your way on a party," Kiko cringed at what I said.

"It's because we finally got a lead on your Grandfather,"

"Oh, stop calling him 'my' grandfather." I said. "It hurts to hear that,"

"You are grumpier than usual, it's weird."

"Ugh, what's new? And Fyi, who could sleep tight when someone's targeting you."

Kiko got a keen eyes, and of course I didn't have good sleep this past few days. I'm not that afraid to fight, but then that wasn't it, there was something else that I couldn't quite name.

I glanced at Kiko. I was about to tell him that but then I didn't "Nothing,"

"You need to stop worrying so much,"

"How could I not?"

"You got us, Fischl. We will never betray you,"

An unearthed memory came to me, Kiko and I, having tea outside of our house. Me, flipping through a pages of book about the spirits and coming across the great curse.

That was my first time to encounter this so called Sukuna. He called himself the king of curses and was once a sorcerer, who would have thought that he was. Very shocking.

His remains, which was covered in gravewax, were twenty indestructible fingers. It traversed ages as cursed objects and grew power day by day.

"So it's been 1,000 years? How great is he?" The younger me said.

"He is great, great." Kiko muttered to me. "But he's bad,"

"Is there no other way to get rid of him then?" I asked.

"No, he will always exist."

Then a sudden beast appeared through my mind which made me shook out of fear. A heavy arm landed in my shoulders, a worried looking Kiko glanced at me.

"Are you really fine?" He asked. "You could head back if—"

"You are interfering with my plans," I said gently swatted his hand of my body. I knew he would be this worried, he was just waiting for something to happen to me so he could send me back.

"You plan to faint?" He mocked.

I snorted.

"Yes faint, get trampled on and develop serious injuries," I mocked back.

"Fischl, I'm being serious right now, I can't bring you on the battlefield if you're in that state,"

"I'll be fine,"

"No you won't,"

"I can. I could." I said. "Just because I'm young doesn't mean I couldn't do it!"

"Ah shit, I shouldn't have tell you about this..." He said giving me a look.

"Well, we could not turn back time. We are already here," I said. "Might as well face it,"

"You know, Fischl. When I got the job as your driver, I thought I wouldn't like and in fact would hate it but back then I was still around sixteen years old"

Why is he suddenly telling his life story.

"You were six by then and was shocked when no one was really paying attention to you, so I did the maid's job just to take a look on you."


"My point here is that, I treated you like you're my little sister and it just hurt me that you have to face all of this when you did nothing wrong,"

"But I should be the one ending this. Gakukanji caused so many troubles and I am here to eliminate him,"

"If that what you want then be it,"

He raised his hands into the air.

I was about to add more when his phone rang. He answered it and his eyes went wide at what the other line said.

"I see," He replied. "I just never expected them to attack so early good thing we were all ready,"

Unexpectedly the hideout was just located near the central city. It was odd, why did he chose public places out of all places?

Is Gakukanji planning something?

If he does then what it is? My thoughs were disturbed when I saw the location was being covered by the whole veil. Kiko rushed to get in the place fast but we were already too late.

We got out of the car and saw two others.

"The others are already inside," said the one wearing a miko outfit with white colored top and red bottom.

"Then we must go,"

The three of them went through the curtain but a sudden pain went through my arm making me back off.

"The veil is blocking me off,"

The three was looking at me curiously. Kiko sighed.

"So Gakukanji don't want to face off with her granddaughter? Man...what a pussy"

"Sheesh,you have to watch your mouth, we got a kid in here,"

"Tsk... You can stay here and we will find a way to break the veil," Kiko said which made me scoffed. "C'mon guys we have a job to do,"

The three of them went in, leaving me alone with people looking weirdly at me, wondering why I was dressed like this.

All I know that a veil can't be destroyed. But it has a limit-thirty minutes to be exact but I can't just stand here doing nothing!

I just hope nothing bad is happening to them. 

---If you were wondering why I was gone for so long lol I was just playing genshin impact.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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