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Apparently, it had escaped my mind that being with this group would be a chaotic mess. First, Tonpa's unending battle with Leorio, hearing their chatters here and there make me want to stab my ears and be deaf, permanently. Second, Killua and Gon seemed not to notice how small the room was, I even have to watch out for myself for a flying skateboard and a fishing hook.

I felt like I was floating in the air. All the noise coming from them were a little louder than usual. It almost felt like the whole world was spinning and I just wanted to sit down. There is an unexplained tenseness in my muscles that makes me feel like a mannequin.

I felt my aching eyes begging me to sleep. Every part of me seemed to shut down by itself. There was weary feeling inside of me that wouldn't just simply evaporate.

Its like as if I ran out of battery and needed to recharge it. I pulled my knees to my chest and focused my sight on the wall. My eyes seemed to get lost and then their voices started to drain out.

I didn't engage with them for hours and spent my whole day, lost in my thoughts. I could feel their growing curiosity as to why I suddenly gone quiet. Earlier, Gon had tried to approach me but stopped when he sensed that I wasn't in the mood.

Soon the night falls and we were all laying down. It has gone quiet which eases my mind a little. My eyes grazed at the time. I sighed, being confined in a room with no windows seemed torture. I missed the outside world.

Two days had passed like a whirlwind. We were all gathered at the door and glancing at the countdown. I felt the excitement rushing to my veins. I knew that we had less than 10 hours in order to complete this phase but then I suddenly liked the thrill of rushing to the bottom.

A buzz made me break my thoughts, I let out a breath and hurried to get out of the room. They were all running, carefully watching out for danger. I felt the adrenaline rushing through my veins as we passed some obstacles. We even have to jump from the boulders just to get through. Soon we got to the last trial of the trick tower.

"We're supposed to vote whether to open the door or not? Well, we need to move on so obviously we want to open the door." Leorio stated as I just stared at the distance. I could not vote since I didn't have a watch. So no matter what they vote, I have no say about it.

I looked at the screen and saw that all of them voted yes except for one. This made Leorio fuming mad and grabbed Tonpa's collar. Gon then stated that he pressed the wrong button, Leorio released Tonpa, and of course, the big guy didn't back down and reminded him of his mistake. Another fight evoked between the two and Gon, being the nice guy he is, tried to stop the two but was no use.

"Stupid, I'm going first," Killua disappeared through the door but then came back after. "Hey, Gon. We're getting close to the goal,"

"Eh, really!"

We all rushed inside and saw two doors which made me remember my first trial. Then above those were a statue of woman with her two arms raise up. My eyes scanned the whole room and noticed the weapons attached to the walls.

That made me realize what the last trial was. I took a step back and gathered my thoughts. Is there no other way than this?

"Let's see, this will be the last decision made by majority rule, are you ready?"

Obviously it would be yes, yet someone voted no again, Leorio was about to make a fuss about it when he was stopped by Kurapika.

"Please select a path, There are two choices. One path allows five to pass but it will take long and difficult. The other path allows only three people but is short and easy. The long path takes forty-five hours while the latter only takes three minutes. If you choose the second path, two of you must be chained up before opening the door and could only be freed when the time limit is up,"

I looked up after Lippo has said that. He must have forgotten that there are six people in here. What is he up to? Did he purposely forget me or did he really forget about me?

"Oh by the way, since Fischl-san don't have the watch, she's automatically safe," Lippo explained through the speakers which made me confuse."With that say your last words,"

The tile under me suddenly opened and I was once again falling out of their sight. I thought it was an unending flight of falling but I actually landed on something soft. I looked ahead of me and saw a door. I walked through it and it opened, revealing the other contestants. I awkwardly walked to the side as I felt their stare on me.

"Fishcl, the twentieth person to pass. Total time, Seventy-one hours and one minute,"

I wondered what is happening to those five now. If they choose the second option, did they fight to decide who will be those three? Well just thinking about it, I know who from those guys will win. It would be definitely Kurapika, Killua, and Gon for sure.

I felt an hour had already passed. I turned my head to the right and saw a cute looking girl with a huge hat. I looked over her watch and she seemed to notice as she lent me her arm.

"Did you lose you watch while going here?" She asked, glancing at my wrist.

"Oh? The examiner didn't give me a watch, I think he forgot to," I replied to her question.

"Eh? That's weird, examiners are usually prepared and doing that mistake seems careless and unfair for your part," she said, then her mouth formed an o. "Oh I think someone's trying to sabotage you, either it's the examiner or someone from the Hunter Association,"

"Woah, I don't even know anyone from the Hunter Association," I said and exasperated with a sigh. I can't believe that I managed to get myself an enemy without even doing anything.

"Well that doesn't matter now, since you are already here at the bottom,"

The time was already down to three minutes yet there was no sign of the boys yet. I admit, I am worried for them. They truly deserve to pass the hunter exam, well for me. I could see the determination in their eyes although they lack physical abilities.

Then a door opened, I was hoping that it was the guys but instead it was a stranger who was dragging his feet. With another step, his body fell down. Three guys went to check the body and declared that it was dead.

"One minute remains,"

Those guys better hurry now. Even though it is unclear that those guys would even make it in time, there is a faint hope inside of me. Another door opened and I smiled. I see that I guessed correctly again. Three people entered, Kurapika, Killua and Gon and soon the iconic duo Leorio and Tonpa followed.

I guess, I shouldn't worry for them that much.

Quick note from the Author >>

Hey, I'm back! The past week was a pain in the ass, we have so many home works, projects, and assessments to do that's why I wasn't able to publish chapters and I have no time management so I ended up cramming all of my home works so anyways, I've seen that the story gained a lot of readers and votes, all I could say is that, thank you for reading this story, I honestly didn't think it would get much attention. You guys make me feel special (char! Twice ka ghorl?) So that's all ty for reading this quick note.

Oh before I forget, I have a upcoming fanfic of Illumi, it's entitled Sparrow maybe I'm gonna publish it next week or idek, hope you all guys read that too hehehe

Have a good day/night!

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