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"So that's why tonight is my last day here,"

Sadness wretched over their faces and I can't help but to feel sad too. Maybe it was easy to say that I was leaving but doing it...

"Is there no other way?" Kurapika said which I shook my head off, sideways. "I mean there should be,"

"But Fischl, we could lend help—"

"Oh no, Gon." I clasped my palms with his. "It's too dangerous,"

I couldn't bare see my friends get trampled on. I knew they are strong but they're not that strong to face my enemy.

"Fischl, I can't let you do this alone!" His pleading eyes could melt my heart in pieces.

"Who said I was doing it alone? I have backup, if that's what you all worried for,"

"How trustworthy does backup then," Killua grumpily replied.

I almost laughed at what he said but the mood was to dark to do it.

"Guys, cheer up. We could spend the remaining time hanging out, what do y'all say?"

Leorio happily said but Gon suddenly ran off, which caught us off guard.

"I'll check on him, you guys do what you want," Killua took off too.

Kurapika stretched his arms expansively and turned his eyes to me.

"So care to eat ice cream with us?"

"Sure," Although a little bit disappointment bursts inside of me, I'm not that cruel to not agree on that.

Night came and I was fussing where I am going off too tonight. I tightly grabbed my blindfold as if the squeezing it would give me answers. Then a knock on the door shook my mind off my thoughts.

I opened to see Netero with a small box on his hand.

"I had a lot of thinking about this but..." he paused for a moment. "I think you deserve this,"

He reached it to me and I gladly opened it. I saw a weird looking card on the inside and wondered what it was.

"It's a hunter license. Only hunters who passed the last phase receive this,"

"Then why would I—" I was confused but he cut me off mid sentence.

"You are worthy to be hunter, Fischl. I followed every move of yours." He said. "And thought, "ah this kid will be going places,"

"Then making you fight on the last phase will be a little bit unfair,"

"I'm sure there someone who is lot of stronger than I am," I chuckled.

"Well, you fought Hisoka didn't you?"

"How did you...know?"

"As what I said earlier, I was following you,"

"You're so sneaky," I said and grabbed the card from the case. "So what I'm gonna do about this?"

"Use it to your advantage. You can use it to travel the world, I mean, in your situation right now, it will be best to have this right now,"

"You don't know how much I am grateful for this," I said almost kneeling before him but he stopped me midway. "I am fully indebted,"

The clock struck at 9 and all the worries began pouring at me again. I turned to him and he smiled.

"It's time,"

He lead the way and I followed him. We took so many turns and stairs downwards until we reach the basement of the blimp then I saw the opening at the floor with a rope hanging on it. I look downwards only to see the top of a building.

"That's the airport"

"I'm sorry to drop you off like this but we couldn't delay the last phase,"

"It's okay, you already done so much for me." I said and took a deep breath. "I guess this is a goodbye,"

"Goodbye, Fischl."

I took the rope and started maneuvering downwards. I was almost midway when I heard a shout.

"Fischl, you jerk!" Killua beamed. "Didn't even bother waking us up! IDIOT!"

"Fischl, keep safe always!" Kurapika and Leorio both said.

I laughed and was about to go down more when I heard Gon.

"Fischl, survive! And Don't hesitate to look for us, we will always be waiting for you!"

I will, Gon. I will always keep that on my mind. 

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