Chapter 20: I thought I lost you forever, Little Girl

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(A/N: Okay so the last chapter, the ending, It wasn't finished, I thought it was but it wasn't so GO READ THE END AGAIN! It's only about 20 more words only, don't worry)

Skylar's P.O.V:

"Heyyyy Marty, how's life?"

"You said you'd stay out of trouble!" the officer looked at me "You know its riskier every time I have to let you go"

"But you will though, cause you work for our boss"

"Who ain't pleased with you at all right now, and my boss, not yours"


"Let's follow the procedure" He smirked "You have one phone call"

Fucking idiot.

I rolled my eyes dialling Axel's number.

"Hey Marty, what the fuck do you wan"--

"Hey Axxy" I tried to sound as innocent as possible.

"What'd you do and why are you there?"

"Sooo, you might have to come pick me up cause I'm arrested"

"I repeat: what'd you do?"

"I love you!" I hung up and put my hands up in a mocking way before sotting down in the questioning room...I know.

"For you" Marty's voice sounded less smug as he handed my stuff back.

"Axel talked to you didn't he?"

"Yes and now he wants to talk to you"

"Hey, Ax"-

"Drunk and riding a bike?!" I hear his voice boom over the phone, I had put it on speaker.

"I'm sorry okay?"

"Sorry doesn't cut it"

"Well, I have nothing else to offer" I reached overhanging up just as the door opened and my eyes widened as Axel walked in.

His usual warm least warm to me, were dark and cold as he slowly walked in, out of instinct I walked backwards with a gulp.

Like I said there aren't many things I'm scared of, but a mad Axel is sure one of them.



"Drunk and riding a bike?" He raised his eyebrows, talking in a low voice.

"It wasn't that bad I swear...I could make out everything...I can control my alcohol intake and stuff."

"Yeah? that's why the police caught you?" He gripped my shoulders.

"What if someone had died?" He asked his tone almost making me shiver. "Oh wait that's something I don't care about, What if you had fucking died?" He shook me slightly. "What if you were hurt or in a coma? Skylar, do you have any fucking idea how it felt? even though it was one second before he reassured me, I thought I lost you forever, little girl."

"I'm sorry" I said softly standing on my tip-toes to kiss his cheek "It'll never happen again"

"I know, I'll make sure it doesn't" He took one of his hands off my shoulder and put it forward.

"Keys all of them" He said noticing my confused face and I shook my head.

"You seriously aren't thinking of fucking grounding me? I'm not your normal ass kid studying at a school, and doing drugs."

"Watch your mouth! And no you arent, which brings me to my point what if someone had caught you huh? what if Daniel wanted revenge or Ross did, you have killed entire families, true but you have also killed the Significant others, acting as a double agent among other things! What the fuck was going through your brain? They could have tortured you, and maybe I couldn't have helped you out, so yes I am aware you aren't normal, and until you are back, with me, you take a lift from Atlas or get a fucking cab, I don't care. Keys?"

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