One Minute

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Chapter Three


"Do we have any spices around here besides salt and pepper?" Peter questioned no one in particular as he searched through the kitchen cabinets for anything he could use for dinner.

"What else do you need besides salt and pepper?" Otis scoffed at the other man's question.

"And this is why no one asks for seconds when you cook." Scout rolled her eyes as she helped Gaby carry the bags of candy into the kitchen. Gaby tossed her own onto the counter before climbing up, Scout passing her the candy to hide up top from the others.

"Wow," Peter eyed the large bulk of candy.

"This is for the trick-or-treaters," Gaby spoke loud enough for the others on the couch to hear.

"May you be warned, Halloween is Boden's favorite holiday," Scout warned the candidate only causing him to laugh.

"She's serious," Gaby warned.

"We can see where you're putting that." Otis pointed out as Gaby took the last bags from Scout.

"Hey, nobody touches the candy." Gaby shot everyone a look. "We ran out last year."

"And if we run out before my kids get here I'll be kicking some ass," Scout added as she focused her attention on where Mouch and Cruz were sitting on the couch.

"I graciously donate my in-laws' television, and I cannot get a piece of candy?" Herrmann muttered under his breath.

"Just steal it from your kids after they go to bed like you do every year," Scout suggested.

"It's the principle of the manner," Herrmann shook his head as he claimed one of the empty seats by the TV. The Keltner woman only rolled her eyes in return this time as she moved towards the fridge to get herself a drink.

"Hey," Gaby patted Peter on the arm to get his attention as she got down from the counter. "I keep coriander, cumin, and bay leaves in the back cupboard. Um, I used up all the saffron last time I cooked. Then Scout keeps paprika, cinnamon, oregano, and rosemary leaves in Matt's office. Just ask her if you ever need it."

"Awesome," Peter nodded in thanks, his eyes flickering towards the other woman. Gaby only watched as the fireman watched her best friend pull a bottle of water out of the fridge while she asked Cruz a question. It was the same puppy eyed look that the Dawson woman had grown used to seeing over the years whenever her brother looked at the lanky brunette. The same look that she was sure she wore herself whenever she was talking to Matt.

"You good there, Mills?" She raised a dark brow at the man, her words snapping his attention away from the other woman.

"What-- yeah," Peter cleared his throat.

"Remind me to invite you the next time I'm hosting a poker game." She chuckled at his poor attempt of acting as if he hadn't just been staring at the other woman. "You like her, don't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." He lied through his teeth as he turned his attention back to the cabinets in search of something to make.

"Bullshit," she scoffed, refusing to drop the subject. She glanced over at where Scout had just been standing, but her persistence only grew when she spotted Scout making her way out of the room. "You have a little crush on Scout. Admit it."

"Gaby," he glared daggers at the shorter woman, very aware of the other people within earshot.

"Oh, don't worry," she waved off his concern. "I'm pretty sure everyone here knows about your little crush except for Scout. I love her like a sister, but she's always been clueless when it comes to love and romance."

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