Called in Dead

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Chapter Forty-Nine


A tired sigh escaped Scout's lips as she rested her head on top of the back of her chair, spinning it aimlessly in circles as she kept her gaze fixated on the ceiling. Genuine boredom filling her as she sat in the garage of the precinct, waiting for the familiar sound of Jay's truck to signal the others' return.

"You'll get sick doing that," Voight's rough voice broke through her thoughts. The man himself leaning against the wall as he watched the detective spin around. The woman having been less than pleased when he'd announced that she wouldn't be joining the others for the sting.

"Not when I'm spotting," she dismissed his warning. "Though if you were really worried about me getting sick, you would've let me go. Could've let me get some agitation out by shooting something."

"Cause that's healthy," Atwater scoffed from where he resided in the side room, keeping an eye on the footage from the street cameras.

"I'll ask for your opinion when I want it, Kev." Scout rolled her eyes.

"He's right," Voight noted, his eyes never wavering from the woman as her spinning slowly came to a halt. "Besides, shooting something ain't gonna help distract you. Not really."

"Debatable," she hummed.

"When are you supposed to hear back?" Voight questioned. The entire team aware of the fact that Scout was waiting to hear back about her meeting with Carly and their lawyers. It had been weeks now and there had been nothing, radio silence. Silence that was driving the Keltner woman crazy, desperate to know if the meeting had made any difference for Carly or if they were still bound for court.

"Vanessa says it could be any day now. Of course, she also said that two weeks ago," Scout pointed out.

"Incoming." Atwater warned the pair before Voight had a chance to respond. Pulling their attention towards the garage door as they spotted Jay's familiar pickup backing up.

"Someone had fun," Scout released a low whistle as she eyed the fresh bullet holes decorating the tailgate.

"You know it," Antonio flashed his girlfriend a smile from where he sat in the bed of the truck with Jay, Olinsky, and Adam.

"Everybody in one piece?" Voight checked as he lowered the tailgate for them.

"Twenty kilos of pure Passion," Antonio held up one of the bags for them to see.

"Oh, yeah, it's been a while since we pulled a rip." Olinsky commented as he climbed out of the truck behind Antonio. "I forgot how much fun it was."

"I've done some pretty crazy recon missions, that got my heart pumping," Jay admitted.

"Just rub it in, Oli, Halstead." Scout pouted in her seat as Commander Fischer waved Voight and Erin over to talk to them.

"Maybe if you hadn't sounded so happy about shooting stuff earlier..." Jay trailed off when he noticed the brunette's glare turning his way. "What? It's the truth!"

"He's not wrong," Adam backed the other man up. "You kinda had that serial killer smile going on."

"I did not!" Scout quickly disagreed before looking to the Dawson man for support. "Tell them I don't have a serial killer smile."

"Please, he's known you for years. He's seen it," Jay rolled his eyes.

"This," Antonio gestured between the trio, "I'm not dumb enough to get in the middle of it."

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