They'll Have to Go Through Me

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Chapter Forty-Seven

The team moved quickly, hurrying through the halls of the hospital to get to the room they were all familiar with. The same room their latest suspect was being treated in after 51 had pulled him out of a house fire only to find a stash of kiddy porn next to his body. However, as they rounded the corner their paces slowed. Spotting Kim and Roman standing over a cover body, a section of the hall having been taped off.

"Ross McCadden. Six years on the job," Kim identified the body for them. All of their stomachs dropping at the news that the body belonged to one of their own.

"He was my homeroom instructor at the academy," Adam frowned as he recognized the name. "We were really good friends. I just talked to him... Somebody tell Jenny? Has his wife been notified, or..."

"Yeah," Roman nodded as they all watched Adam pull back the cover to look at his friend's body. "Street deputy and peer support team went to their house."

"Lewellen?" Olinsky spoke up, nodding towards the doorway beside them.

"Uh, yeah," Roman moved into the room as Olinsky, Antonio, Scout, and Atwater all followed behind him, letting Adam have a moment to say goodbye to his friend. "Fire alarm was pulled right around the time of death. Security guard walked up right when a guy wearing a hoodie and a ball cap was walking away."

Scout pressed her lips into a thin line as she took in the sight of Lewellen's body. Not feeling a shred of remorse for the man as she observed the way his blood painted the wall behind the hospital bed as well as the blanket covering him. His limp arm still handcuffed to the bed, just as Voight had left it after presenting the comatose man with his charges following the fire.

"What condition was Lewellen in?" Olinsky asked. "Was he out of the coma?"

"Yeah, he was responsive, talking to doctors," Roman nodded.

"Where's the security room?" Antonio asked, in no mood to hang around the bloody hospital room any longer than necessary.

"I'll take you to it," Roman offered.

"I'll go with him." Scout told the other two men before she followed Roman and Antonio out of the room. Well aware of the fact that if she stayed in the room any longer that she'd be too tempted to voice thoughts that she knew wouldn't be considered appropriate or professional.

"You good?" Antonio glanced at his girlfriend as they followed the patrolman down the hall.

"Would it be wrong to say the sun is shining a little brighter now?" She countered with a question of her own. Despite the tragedy of McCadden losing his life, there wasn't a doubt in her mind that the world was a far better place now that Lewellen was gone for good.

Antonio only shook his head at the woman's words, forcing himself not to smile at her question. Instead he turned his attention forward once more as they reached the security room. The man inside already having the footage they needed pulled up on the monitor.

"Ready?" The security guard asked.

"Go ahead," Scout nodded. Together they all watched as McCadden sat in a chair outside of Lewellen's room. Everything seeming to be fine as the man got up, presumably to stretch his legs after sitting for so long. It was only a few seconds after he stood up that a man in a hoodie and hat came up behind him, not wasting a moment before he fired a single shot into McCadden's head. Sending the officer's body to the floor while a few nurses in the hall scrambled to get away from the gunman.

"He never saw it coming," Antonio shook his head at the sight.

"Horrible. Just... horrible," the security guard frowned as they watched the gunman make his way into Lewellen's room. With the door having been left open, they were able to watch as the man stopped at the end of the hospital bed and fired two shots at the bed bound man before making a quick exit.

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