God Has Spoken

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Chapter Nine


"Good morning, ladies." Peter greeted the trio of paramedics as they joined him in the kitchen that morning.

"Save it and give me the coffee." Scout made a beeline for the coffee pot, desperate for any caffeine she could get.

"We didn't work the last two days?" Peter pointed out.

"You're never off when you have a four-year-old and a six-month-old, Mills." Scout shook her head at the idea. "Especially when the four-year-old is jumping off the walls 'cause his birthday and Christmas are both coming up."

"DJ's a Christmas baby?" Peter questioned.

"New Year's Eve," Gaby corrected him. "Let me tell you, it was not fun fighting traffic to get to the hospital when she went into labor. You think she has a bad mouth on a normal day? Try when she's in labor three weeks early and stuck in traffic. I swear, she used curses I'd never even heard before."

"Oh screw you," Scout stuck her tongue out at the other woman. "Wait till the time comes for you to push a little human outta there. See how cheerful you are then."

"Anyways," Shay chuckled as she turned her attention back to the man. "Peter Mills, it's the saddest things. Christmas lights at the north gate got blown down."

"What? We are gonna have to do something about that," Peter shook his head.

"The fireman that saved Christmas," Shay joked as they watched Peter head towards the garage to work on the lights.

"You think if I ask him to my cousin's Christmas party, he might take it the wrong way?" Gaby asked the other two women as she watched Peter slip through the doors.

"Family functions are usually reserved for serious suitors, so shouldn't you be asking Casey?" Shay suggested.

"I just need a date so that my cousin doesn't make any more comments about how I'm gonna die alone." Gaby defended herself as she took the coffee pot from Scout to pour herself a cup. "Speaking of which, are you going this year?"

"So Maria can make judgmental comments about me being a single mother or so things can be awkward between your brother and I the whole night?" Scout rolled her eyes at the question, having already told her friend that she wouldn't be going to the party. "Now just grow some balls and ask my brother to the party."

"Ooh someone's afraid," Shay teased.

"Bitch, please," Gaby scoffed.


"Wait, so what, exactly, do you have against Mills?" Gaby glanced between Shay and Scout as the three of them sat together in Boden's office after a call about a kitchen fire, waiting for the man himself to join them.

"Not a thing. He's adorable," Shay shook her head.

"Like a puppy," Scout added as she tossed a baseball around in her hands. "A harmless little puppy."

"Yeah, a puppy dog with a little wolf blood in him," Gaby smirked.

"I don't know which is more disturbing-- you drooling over my brother or you trying to sexualize our firehouse puppy." A slight shudder ran through Scout's body, earning chuckles from both of the other women just as Boden made his way through the door.

"Hey, what's up, Chief?" Gaby asked as the three of them jumped up from their seats.

"Sit," Boden waved them off.

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