A Dark Day

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Chapter Thirty-Four


"Remind me why I'm here?" Scout questioned as she helped Gaby carry some boxes over to the tent that had been set up outside of Chicago Med for the Chicago Fire Department.

"'Cause it's good to help people? You're setting a good example for your boys?" Gaby offered, nodding over at where Matt was having Maclean and DJ help him organize some of the supplies.

"Right, that'd make sense if I were helping out at the tent for CPD and not the CFD." Scout pointed out the flaw in her friend's reasoning. "Wanna try again?"

"How about the fact that you lost a bet and promised to help out as a result?" Matt chimed in. His words only bringing a scowl to the Keltner woman's lips at the reminder of the bet she'd made shortly before leaving 51 during a particularly slow shift.

"I really thought that Shay wouldn't notice me switching out her yogurt," Scout muttered under her breath.

"Really?" Gaby scoffed when she looked inside the box she'd been carrying, only to find it filled with shirts for Truck 81. "Goat shirts?"

"Those are collectors' items," Matt claimed.

"For the trash can?" Scout guessed, knowing for a fact that 51 hadn't needed to order new truck shirts for at least two years.

"I want a shirt!" DJ demanded as he pulled one out of Gaby's hands.

"DJ, manners." Scout scolded.

"It's no big deal. At least truck finally has a fan," Gaby joked, earning a halfhearted glare from her boyfriend in return.

"You guys gonna run the 10k?" Another firefighter, Derek, asked as he stopped by their tent with his friend Ryan.

"Uh, we are," Gaby gestured between herself and Scout. "Casey chickened out."

"I'm more of a sprinter. Besides, someone's gotta keep an eye on the kids." Matt patted Maclean on the shoulder.

"Heard you're gonna introduce the commissioner later," Derek smirked at the 51 lieutenant.

"Yeah," Matt sighed at the reminder. "Not sure how that fell on me."

"Well, a ceiling fell on you while you were saving a baby, baby," Gaby smirked.

"I got it." Scout heard from behind her. The detective glanced over her shoulder, surprised to spot a familiar face setting up the tent beside them.

"Hey," Gaby followed her friend's gaze, smiling at the sight of the police officer struggling with the help of a little girl. "It's Kim, right?"

"Yeah. Hey," Kim offered a smile as she kept working.

"I didn't know Platt roped you in to helping out with this," Scout hurried over to help her colleague. "Looks like you need some help."

"I-I kind of have no idea what I'm doing," Kim admitted.

"She was part of the team that got Diego back," Gaby clued her boyfriend in on how she knew the officer.

"On it," Matt nodded before moving to help his sister and the patrolwoman. "Firefighters bailing out cops is a long tradition."

"Paramedics saving your behind is an even longer one." Scout warned, being careful with her language due to the little girl standing just a few feet away from her.

"When you need a police officer to..." Kim trailed off, leaving the other three adults watching her expectantly. "I've got nothing."

"Who's this?" Matt nodded at the little girl.

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