A Little Taste

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Chapter Ten


A smile filled Scout's lips as she climbed out of her car and took in the sight of 51 for the first time in a month. She tossed her bag over her shoulder as she started to make her way up the familiar driveway, pulling her dark locks up into a ponytail as she went.

After a month of being on medical furlough she was more than ready to get back to work. As much as she loved being able to spend her days with DJ and Maclean-- actually having the time off to celebrate the one boy's fifth birthday-- she knew she wasn't stay-at-home mom material. She knew that she needed to be out there helping people the best way she knew how.

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." Herrmann grinned when he spotted the woman slipping through the door.

"Nice to see you too, Herm," she chuckled as he quickly closed the space between them to give her a hug.

"How's the head?" He asked, eyeing the thin scar that now rested on the left side of her forehead, trailing back underneath her hair on the side of her head. "Didn't lose too many screws, right?"

"Doctor officially signed off that I was good. No more dizziness or headaches," she assured him as they headed towards the kitchen where the others were.

"Hey, guys, look what the cat dragged in!" Herrmann caught everyone else's attention as he led Scout into the kitchen.

"I thought you said you were coming back tomorrow with Severide?" Matt looked at his sister in surprise, setting his coffee aside to give her a hug along with the others.

"I lied. Sue me," she shrugged.

"My brother really gave you the go ahead to come back?" Gaby joked. Everyone was well aware of how close of an eye Antonio had been keeping on Scout from the moment she was discharged from the hospital. Checking up on her whenever he had the chance and offering to watch the boys to give her a break-- something she always turned him down on.

"I tend to take my medical advice from people with a medical license and stethoscope. Not a guy toting around a gun and badge," Scout pointed out.

"Well it's great to have you back," Shay patted her on the shoulder.

"I've gotta get this in," Gaby gestured to the laundry basket on the table before picking it up.

"We'll join you," Shay looped her arm through Scout's before dragging the brunette after the Dawson woman without giving her a choice.

"So how're things going with you?" Scout raised a brow at the blonde. "I know Severide said things were a little hectic around your place since Clarice moved in."

"Yeah. I mean, things are working out surprisingly well, considering Clarice is in the bathroom every ten minutes. Severide is just-- He's been totally cool since she moved in," Shay told them as they slipped back into the laundry room behind the bunk room.

"That's nice of him," Gaby commented as she got to work with loading the washing machine.

"I mean, going up and down that spiral staircase with a baby, that's gonna suck. But we should probably just leave him up there until he can walk down himself," Shay joked, only causing both of her friends to share a quick glance. "Um, I get that neither of you are huge fans of Clarice, but we're a couple now, and I'm looking to basically be a stepmom. So I need your support."

"I'm sleeping with Peter Mills," Gaby blurted out, catching both of the other women off guard.

"I knew it!" Shay grinned from ear to ear before turning her gaze to Scout. "I knew it! You owe me fifty bucks!"

The Good and the BadOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora