Part 29

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     I wake up the next morning with Jake beside me on the bed. He is still sleeping peacefully and with a quick glance towards the window I see the sun just starting to peak through the windows. I move off of the bed, use the restroom, and brush my teeth. When I walk back into the room I see Jake sitting up in bed, his arms over his head stretching with covering his mouth in a yawn. 

     A small giggle escapes me as I see Jake, which causes him to look at me with a playful glare. "Why are you up this early darling?" His voice is hoarse and he tries to pull me back into bed with him. 

     Stepping back from the bed I shrug my shoulders. "Not tired," I whisper. 

     Jake, giving one last big stretch, steps out of bed. "Alright, give me a second then we will head down to get breakfast." And then he walks into the bathroom, a few seconds later the sound of the shower hits my ears. 

     I wander around his room, but there is not much to look at as his room is kind of bare. And walk over to the window. Not much of his pack members are up yet, only a few are up and walking around including the warriors heading to training and few getting a head start on work. 

     As I am looking out the window my brain starts to rush with thoughts of how I have a mate, I am to stay here, my brother wants our help, and am I even worthy enough to stay here and be Jake's mate. Lost in my thoughts I don't notice Jake until his arms are wrapping around my shoulders causing me to jump in surprise. 

     "I can see that brain of yours working at top speed right now," As he says this his hands placed on my shoulders spin me so I am looking into his eyes. "We will figure all of this, and everyone here loves you... including me." His words raise a blush to my cheeks and a small smile. 

     "Now let's go get some food!" 


     I am now sitting in Jake's office to the right of him on his side of the desk with my brother across from us.  Neither of them are saying anything, just giving each other death stares. I awkwardly shift in my chair, trying to avoid the tension between the two. 

     After minutes of this Dallas, sighs in defeat looking down, which causes a smirk to arise onto Jakes face. "Look, Alpha Jake, I saved your mate and now it's only fair that you help me save mine." 

     "This is not the same! You took my mate from me first, caused me to believe that she died, and now you are expecting me to help you? Not to mention what was happening in her old pack before I found her." Jake growls out, his hand tightening its grip around mine. 

     "I didn't mean any of it! My father was getting into my head and was threatening to kill my mate. What would you have done in my situation?" Dallas is getting frustrated now, I understand how hard this must be for him, so I nudge Jakes arm and look at him with pleading eyes. 

     Jakes shoulders relax a bit and he lets out a breath. "Fine, Dallas. You have one chance. Do anything to lose my trust or harm your sister and your out. Understand me." Jakes intimidating voice lets out. 

     "Yes Alpha Jake. Thank you." 

     "Alright tell me your plan." 

     "All I know is that my father has my beautiful hidden away in the dungeon in his pack. It's guarded 24/7, and about 10 minutes from the pack house. My father will be visiting another pack 5 days from now and I was hoping you and some of your pack fighters would be able to help me get her out while he is gone." 

     Jake looks at him blankly. "If he's out of town why can't you and some of your friends just break her out?"

     "My father used his alpha command on all the pack members not to let her out." Dallas says, clearly already have tried that plan. 

    "Okay, this sounds easy enough. I'll get some of my warriors together and we can go through the logistics of it." Jake reaches out and grasps my hand, "now if you'll excuse me. My mate and I are going to get some rest." 

A/N: What! I cannot believe it! Over 900K reads! Thank you all so much for reading and being patient with my updates. I promise longer chapters will be coming soon as I get adjusted in college. Once again thank you all so much. Bye!!!

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