Part 35

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     The first thing I notice is the pounding in my head. I slowly blink my eyes open as I try to comprehend where I am at as well as piece together what happened. The last thing I remember is passing out in Jake's arms in the middle of a fight with my fathers pack. When I can finally open my eyes without increasing the pain in my head I quickly recognize my surroundings, Jake's room. I slowly turn my head around knowing Jake is likely somewhere close by, but I do not see him which instantly raises my anxiety. Is he okay? Was he injured in the fight? Hundreds of these questions pass through my mind in a second.

     I need to make sure he is okay so I carefully stand up and begin making my way over to the door of the room. Which is painful, any movement brings back the pounding in my head ten fold. I swing the door open, which I instantly regret as the quick movement and the blinding lights from the hallway make me stagger and I grip onto the door frame waiting for the dizzy spell to pass.

     After a few deep breaths I am making my way down the hall again determined to find my mate and ensure that he is okay.

     I don't have to walk long though as seconds later Jake is rounding the corner. He freezes as he sees me for a moment but then he is rushing over. His arms tighten around me and he carefully picks me up, taking me by surprise. "What are you doing out of bed my Juliet?" His voice is soft and full of concern.

      I hardly hear him as my main concern is making sure he is alright after whatever happened in the fight after I passed out. This deep feeling of concern and worry for someone else is not something I am used to and I need to check on him.

     I place my hands on his chest and he understands that I want to be set down. The second I am on my feet I take his arms in my hands and flip them over to see all sides, I check his face for any bruises or cuts. As I am pulling up the front of his shirt to check for any damage done to his torso he places his hands over mine stopping me and I look up at his face to see him looking confused as well as a slight smirk. "Not that I don't like this attention. But what exactly is happening here?" I suddenly realize what I was just doing and shrink back in embarrassment and look down at the floor to hide my blush. But apparently Alpha Jake is having none of that because he gently grabs my chin and pulls my head back up to meet his eyes. "Tell me what's wrong Juliet."

     I take a deep breath, hoping to gain some courage, "I just wanted to make sure you are okay." This seems to make Jake very happy if the smile that grows on his face and the softening of his eyes are any indication.

     "I am perfectly okay, not even a scratch on me. And I love to see you care," he grabs my hands and we start to slowly walk back into the bedroom and sit down on the end of the bed, "After you fainted the situation was very quickly handled. My warriors detained Whyte and your mother and they are both being held in questioning. None of his warriors even tried to stop us. Your brother is back here safe with his mate. And you, my Juliet, hit your head hard when you were attacked." His voice becomes harder as he says the last sentence.

     "I can't seem to keep you safe, you are constantly getting kidnapped and hurt. I was so worried when I came home and you were gone and none of my warriors had a clue what happened," Jake's voice breaks off and I suddenly feel terrible. I have caused so many problems for him since he found me and I hate how I caused him to feel so much fear and worry. I do the only thing I can think of in that moment and pull him into a hug. His arms immediately tighten around me and his head is in the crook of my neck.

      Jake starts taking deep and calming breaths and I start to feel slightly awkward. But that soon fades as I allow myself to relax into the warmth his body provides and the sparks that are filling my body. I take in a deep breath filling my lungs with the addicting smell of my mate and fully melt into his arms. Both of us finding comfort in the other.

     Jake later tells me that I was asleep for about 6 hours and that I should probably get some more sleep, which brings us to now. "Jake, I am feeling better now and I am not even tired." I complain. But he just pulls me back down to lay next to him and wraps his arm around my waist. I turn onto my left side so I am facing him and he softly smiles. And we end up in another staring contest just staring into each other's eyes.

     I start to drift off into my thoughts thinking about how different my life was just months ago and now I am here lying in bed with The Alpha Jake away from the abuse of my old pack.

     Jake moving pulls my attention back to him and I see him leaning in closer to me. His eyes hold a question in them and in answer I lean into him as well. That is all the confirmation he needs to close the distance between us and suddenly his lips are on mine. Sparks erupt throughout my whole body tenfold and my stomach gets butterflies. The kiss is slow as Jake gently caresses his lips over mine. Jake then deepens the kiss and wraps his other arm around me pulling me into him impossibly closer.

      When we finally pull apart Jake lays his forehead on mine and our breath mixes together between us. "I love you my Juliet."

     "I love you too." 

     Jake's face breaks out into the widest grin I have ever seen on him and he gives me another quick peck on the lips. "Can we get up now and go get food?" I ask him. He laughs in response and pulls me up with him out of the bed. 

     Upon reaching the kitchen I see Dallas standing there pouring some milk into a bowl with another one next to it. He looks up as we enter and gives us each a quick smile. "Hey guys, I'm glad you both came down. My mate and I are planning on leaving tomorrow morning. The pack is without an Alpha now that our dad is in jail and I am next in line. And now with my mate back by my side I am ready to take it on." He grabs two spoons and places them in the bowls. I am not surprised. Dallas was always meant to be the next alpha and has been training since he was young. 

     "Good for you man. Glad you are figuring things out," Jake tells him. 

     "Yeah me too. And you take care of my sister alright."

     "Of course," Jake wraps his arm around my shoulders. 

     "Good, I am going to bring this food up to my mate now. She is still exhausted and beat up but she is improving." And with that he is gone. 

     "Well what does my beautiful mate want to eat?" Jake asks, causing me to blush. 

     "Whatever is fine, though I could really go for some ice cream right now." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2023 ⏰

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