Part 21

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     I sit up in bed stretching slightly and look over at Alpha Jake. After my "mother" left last night I could tell Alpha Jake was a little upset. He told me he was sorry for leaving me home alone and was staying closer to my side than usual. 

     I get off of the bed and head out of the door. I end up in the living room with a book in my hands getting completely lost in the new world that I found in between the covers. I feel hands on my arms and I immediately tense up and jump in my seat, heart beating fast. "Woah, sorry it's just me. That must be a good book," Alpha Jake says. "So I decided that you should come with me to the office today, I know we discussed it other times, but after what happened yesterday I think it would be best if you were with me." He says, but I also see another emotion in his eyes, he's keeping something back. 

     I nod my head getting up to go get ready so we can head over. We have a quick bite for breakfast and are soon in the car in front of the building that contains his office. From what I can tell from the outside and the amount of cars parked out here there seems to be a lot of people. Alpha Jake opens his door and I follow him meeting him at the front of the door. He looks down at me and grabs my hand. "Hey, don't worry. Everyone here is very nice and won't bother you, and once we make it to my office it will just us again." He assures me, grabbing my hand. 

     We walk in through the door and all eyes snap to us. I drop my head and scoot myself closer to Alpha Jake. He ignores them all and walks a straight path forward towards what must be his office. Alpha Jake pulls me closer to him when he notices one person comes up from the right side of us. "Good morning Alpha," he says and turns to me. "Luna," he bows his head. "The new paperwork is on your desk sir, and there are a couple more documents in which you need to sign." With that he bows his head once more and walks away. 

    Once in his office he gets to work after showing me the couch and bookshelf which he said I could read anything I liked, or could borrow his laptop if I got bored. I sit there for a couple hours getting up a few times to stretch or blanking off and end up staring at Alpha Jake intensely. 

     Finally Alpha Jake gets up and walks over to me, a small smirk on his face. He sits next to me on the couch putting his arm around my shoulder. "I decided it was time for a small break. Do you know how hard it is to focus with you here." He closes his eyes and rests his head on my shoulder. I can tell that he is tired, sitting still doing paperwork for hours must really take some energy out of you. So I let him stay there and before I know it he has fallen asleep, and slowly I feel my eyes get heavy and soon I am in a peaceful sleep. 

     I wake up to Alpha Jake jerking up and a lot of screaming and shouting coming from outside. Alpha Jake looks at me and grabs my face to make me look into his eyes. "I have to go okay. But I want you to stay here, don't leave you hear me. There are guards all around the building, outside the window, and by the door. Do not open the door for anyone. You should be safe. I'll be back, promise." And with that he's rushing out after placing a kiss to the side of my head. I curl in on myself, placing my hands over my ears, rocking back and forth on the couch scared out of my mind. What is happening? One second I'm sleeping on the couch with my mate, the next he runs off with screaming coming from all directions. 

     It's been a while. The screaming has died down but there is still no Alpha Jake. I hear a knock on the door and thinking that must be him I walk towards it and unlock it. I open it a small crack and then it's pushed open and unfamiliar hands are grabbing my arm. I kick and punch, but my weak attempts are doing nothing. "Stop with the squirming girl." The stranger grows out his hands clenching my arms harder. I hear someone else come up to us and I feel and poke on my arm above where the first mans hands are gripping me. 

     My vision gets darker and my ears start to ring loudly before slowly everything turns fuzzy. "There you go little girl. Go to sleep, you are in good hands." His mouth is right next to my ear. I try to look around one last time in hope of help. I see a figure running down the hallway in a rush, their claws out, and blood all over them. "Jake," my croaky voice breaths out right before everything slips into the darkness. 

A/N: What do you guys think of the story so far? @Storylover3505 has given me some great inspiration and ideas for the story! So keep your eye open for more updates coming soon.


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