Chapter 54

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Song of the chapter - Arms by Christina Perri.


«Eric's POV»

I woke up and I felt my heart skip a beat. I smiled as I lovingly gazed at my gorgeous wife whilst she slept. Her curly chocolate brown hair fell over her eyes as the sun rays fell upon her, she looked mesmerizing. I lifted my hand up and gently brushed her wild stands of hair out of her face and behind her ear.

"Stop staring at me you weirdo." She moaned with her eyes still closed, "Why is the sun up so early." she whined as she tried to hide her head in my chest. I let out a chuckle and held her in my arms.

"I think it's safe to assume that today you not coming with me to work." I smiled.

"Awe, look at that you not just all looks." she laughed as she buried her head deeper into my chest.

"okay love as much as I would kill to spend the day in bed with you, I have to get to work." I said with disappointment as got out of bed reluctantly.

"Noooo, stay don't go." she whined as she buried her head underneath the blanket and not even seconds later I could here the faint sound of her snores coming from under the blanket. I looked at her and laughed whilst shaking my head before getting ready for work.

«Violet's POV»

“I promise I won't cancel on you again. Next week I will go baby shopping with you. "I promised my mother in law.

" Violet you say that every week." moaned Elisa.

" I know I know, I am just not in the mood to go shopping. " I sulked.

" Fine, I will buy as much as I can and you can see it all next month at the baby shower. " she said slightly irritated.

"Awe, thank you. I love you." I said to her in a chirpy voice.

"Ahh, I love you too darling." she said before hanging up the phone. Elisa and I have really gotten close these past few months, she treats me just like her daughter and I couldn't ask for a better mother-in-law.

I walked into the living room and sat down with Reece and Ella as they watched 'Sleepy Hollow'.

"Oh, oh here it comes," said Ella blocking her eyes.

"What? It's just fake blood." said Reece as we continued watching the movie.

The headless horseman is so cool although how does he know where to go when he has no eyes, nose or ears?

After that movie we decided to watch a comedy movie to calm Ella down even though the movie wasn't even scary. So we  picked 'Back To The Future 2' .

"I can't believe this is what they thought 2015 would be like." laughed Reece.

"they had such high hopes," I laughed, "did you guys know they hired someone else to act as Marty McFly before they recasted and got Michael J Fox." I stated.

"Oh, I can't imagine anyone else as Marty, the role just fitted Micheal perfectly." Said Reece.

"I heard that the whole of the first movie was based off the ending." stated Ella.

"ya, I heard about that as well." I replied.

We continue watching back to future 2 as well as 3, until finally we had nothing else to watch.

We sat on our cellphones in the living room until Ella broke the silence

"Guys, I was wondering if it's okay with you both if I could go out for supper with my friends tonight?" asked Ella as she turned towards us.

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