Chapter 39

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Blood everywhere.

I watched as Irena stumbled backwards and hit against Luciano's chest as she cried out in pain whilst holding her nose, "You crazy bitch" she yelled at me.

------------¥ 6 Hours Earlier ¥----------------

Oh, wow.

If there is one thing Olivia can do is definitely throw a party.

There were chandeliers hanging from the ceiling with gold railings leading up to the bar, as well as a bar below us in the corner of the dance floor. Surrounding us were black tables and back comfy suede seats. The floor was covered in a black carpet and black walls surrounded us. The stairs case right infront of the bar upstairs lead down to the Dance floor where the Dj at the other end of the room played "RITMO" as we entered.

🎶 This is theRhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, RhythmThis is Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm This is the Rhythm,Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, RhythmOf the night

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🎶 This is the
Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm
This is
Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm
This is the Rhythm,
Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm, Rhythm
Of the night. 🎶

I smiled as I head the song and I felt my hips move to the beat, I was so caught up in the song that I never realized when Sophie and Ella wondered off to to as well as Reece

Though he is probably in some dark corner with Camila.

I just as i was about to take a seat in a booth I head a deep voice say, "hey beautiful."

I turned around and looked and the man with dirty blond hair and hazel eyes, I tilted my head curiously and felt a frown on my forehead until suddenly it hit me.

Carter Benson...

I looked around the table and smiled at the familiar faces and their names popped up in my head. My eyes stopped at the end of the table as an all to familiar face smiled at me sheepishly I shook my head and said," Carter Benson, Donovan Myers and Tyler Martin it's been a long time." I laughed at the men that were once the jocks of my old highschool, the populars.

"uhmm, so I was thinking if you would tell me your name and maybe a phone number to go with it."asked Carter.

I guess old habits die hard.

I gave him a smirk and said," I don't think you should be thinking Carter because we wouldn't want you over exerting yourself by rubbing those two little brain cells together." Carter glared at me as I smile victoriously, "My name is-" I began but was cut off by Tyler.

"Well if it isn't Violet Quaters." said Tyler, the boys were all shocked at who I was and began to stare at me with wide eyes," I had my fair share of run ins with you to recognize that wit anywhere." he said smiling.

Tyler was the typical bad boy in highschool who I dispised but they say where there is hate, there is love so beneath all that hatred was a sweet weird friendship. He had a tough life just like me growing up so we bonded over that and we support and had each other's backs when we needed it the most.

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