Chapter 12

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It's official. I hate my life.

I stood in an airport holding a plaque card that said 'Smiths'. Waiting paiently for their arrival. The thought of being away from that devil almost had me soaring. It's like we're at war. Both of us going out of our way to make each other annoyed or pissed. After he made me his personal assistant I changed all the clocks in the house to an hour later. Which only resulted in him overwhelming me with work.

Sick bastard.

With him constantly breathing down my neck (and not in a good way) I kind of  needed air, so you could imagine how I jumped for the opportunity to fetch his royal highness's aristocrat family of two from the airport .

A loud ring drew me out of my trail of complaints. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, Vi. How are you doing?" replied the voice I knew all too well.

" Hunt! It so good to hear from you . I am actually doing pretty well so far and you? "

"I am doing well so how did it go with my advice?" he asked and I could actually hear his smile, if that even makes any sense.

"Well how do you punish the devil?" I asked with a slight laugh.

" I don't know Vi, how would you?"

" You call his father." I said with a full on laugh.

" Oh wow, that's... You know what I actually don't know." he said with an awkward laugh.

When I looked up I spotted the people that I am required to entertain. They were coming down the escalator.
" Ooh.. got to go, the arrival of the potential snobs have cut the conversation short."

" Why can't you just say that they are here like normal people."

"Shut up,Hunter. Normal is over-rated and boring. Now seriously I got to go, love you bye."

"love you too, bye."

Just before their feet could hit the ground I lifted the card higher, earning an eye roll from Cora Smith.

I deem thee an official snob.

"Hi, I am---" just before I could finish my sentence, the gremlin cut me off.

" I really don't care who you are and I already know who sent you so no need to bore me with details. Now take these bags." she shoved about five bags in my hands, "Come along Alex."

" Excuse me! I am not a ---"

"Shhhh!" she said lifting her index finger vertically in front of my face.

Did this lady honestly just shush me. What the hell is wrong with these people?! It like their all some kind of disfunctional breed of snobs, including Eric. Even though I was beyond pissed, being the good employee that I am, I left her bags on the floor and walked to the car.

We stopped outside the mansion and once I finally managed to get the smiths' settled . I made my way down to the kitchen and began helping Rosa with lunch.

"Awe, thank you darling You know you didn't have to." said Rose whilst sturring the Alfredo.

"No, thank you for teaching me some new techniques." I replied whilst setting the dinning room table. "Damn, look at the time, please can you pack lunch for him. I have to run to the office now."

"Now? Don't you want to eat first?"

"Aaah... I don't think so, just keep a portion away for me. I will be back in about an hour,bye. Oh and be careful she's a bambino viziato. " ( spoilt child)

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