Chapter 37

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«Violet's POV»

After a fair amount of time I spent outside my house, I finally mustered the courage to walk through the doors. When I entered the living room Eric shot up from his seat and rushed towards me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I am so sorry." he said as he held me tightly against his chest.

"I am sorry as well, I should have let you explain but instead I ran away." I said to him. It was incredibly odd how Eric had the power to anger me with his words or actions, as well as the power to calm my troubled mind and restless soul by just holding me in the comfort of his arms.

" I was so scared that you wouldn't come back. I know that I know that I should have told you sooner but it was hard for me, I heard all those stories you told me about her and I just didn't want to hurt you like that-"

"But you did." I answered, "All my life I lived in Olivia's shadow, my voice never heard. She took everything from me at a point in my life and I did nothing about it, I had always sat quietly as she did what ever she pleased." I explained.

So imagine how heart breaking it is when you think you finally found the one man you thought was diffrent but the you see him kissing your sister in the middle of the night. The cherry on top of it all is that she happend to be an old flame, once upon a time she was the love of his life who broke his heart and she comes back with open arms." I elaborated more to try and let him see everything from my point of view, to try and put him in my shoes," I just can't shake off the feeling that you might leave me for her? " I confessed as tears fell down my face.

He gently placed his hands on my face and looked deep into my eyes," Olivia is my past but you are my future and I would never leave because you are mine and I am yours. What happened between Olivia and I was a misunderstanding, she came onto me and when I finally got her off me, I saw you crying." he explained,"Love, I would never hurt you like that. You are my everything. This world means nothing if you aren't here for me to share it with and I can't imagine not being able to see your beautiful smile every morning or before I go to sleep. Each moment I spend away from you is torture so there is no way I ever would leave you because I love you Violet Katherine Renorez you are the one and only love of my life." his words made my heart flutter as he wiped away my tears, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against his.

" I love you too. " I said to him," I promise that I will never doubt you again. "

He placed a kiss on the side of my forehead we both still sat on the floor and I melted away his arms, savoring the moment.


We went to bed completely ecstatic as we slept in each others arms finally everything was okay.

"Love I have something to tell you." he said causing me to shut my eyes tightly as I released what sounded like a mixture of a groan and whimper.

I guess not...

"What now?" I asked whilst lifting my head up off his chest and glared at him.

"Note to self, bad way to start a conversation." he muttered softly which made me smile slightly, "I have to go Greece for a business meeting." he said to me cautiously.

"Why would I be mad?" I asked with a smile," I could really use a holiday." I said with a laugh.

"Love, it's only me going. It's a private meeting?" he said.

"Oh... So when do you leave?" I asked upset as I placed my head back on his chest.

"Tomorrow morning." he said whilst he brushed his fingers lightly up and down my shoulder soothingly.

"And when are you coming back?"

"I don't know, I might be back on the 3 of January." he said but whispered the last part.

"when?" I asked.

"3 January" he said really fast causing my head to shoot up off his chest.

"you're not spending New Years with me!" I whined but he just gave me a sad smile.

"Awe, my darling love. I will try my very best to come home soon, in time for that God awful party that would probably make you want to do the impossible and slit your wrist with a butter knife." he said making me laugh.

"Eric Renorez, you know the words right to a woman's heart." I laughed," Jokes aside, pleasecome home in time."

"I will try, Love. I promise." he said to me as he placed a kiss on my forehead.


«Allister's POV»

"Are you sure, Giovanni?" I asked my father-in-law as I sat in his study.

"i am absolutely sure, Clarisse told me what Bella-Chloe said when we came home from Violet's Christmas party." he explained.

"Could it be true?" I asked aloud.

"It should be after all Chloe was her confidant and what has Chloe got to gain by lying?"he said clarifying my doubts.

" We have no evidence to prove anything." I stated bluntly.

" I have called in a favor from Xavier and he has some of his men looking into it but it happened almost 23 years ago, so it's hard to really get evidence since most of it is all gone." he said with worry residing in his eyes.

" do you think that it's even a possibility? " I asked completely terrified of his answer.

" I don't know anymore. Nothing is what it seems anymore..." he said to me.

Nothing is what it seems anymore...


A/N :
Hey guys 👋
Soo, I hope you all i keeping well 👍
I also hope you all enjoyed this chapter. 😅
Till next time, byezz... 💕



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