Chapter 32

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« Violet's POV»

I sat downstairs with my friend as we laughed and talked as Olivia awkwardly sat there listening to us.

"So why did Aunty Jane not come?" asked Camila.

"Singles cruise." I replied whilst wiggling my eyebrows.

"Gross, that's my mother!" shout Hunter as we laughed.

Suddenly I felt like something was wrong. I began to look around and my eyes came in mine with my Nonno who was supporting my very frail Nonna.

What happened?

"I think it's time we go home, Tesoro." said Nonno. I hugged both of them as they were about to leave.


Soon to follow was my father, mother and Olivia were about to leave when Olivia held them back," Do you mind if I can spend the night here with you dear sister. " she asked

I looked at Reece and Ella's faces which only stared nervously back at me, " uhm... Ya, sure." I said because it's literally impossible for me to say 'no' to her.

It's easy, grow some balls and say a straight out 'NO'!

" Oh, look at the time, it's 10:00pm we better get a move on." said Hunter fake yawning as I stared daggers at him.

" Ya, it's late, like sooo late. " said Camila as Ethan and Sophie nodded in agreement.

"Oh, better hit the hay. Huh, sis? We have... Uhmm, something very important, right?" said Reece

"No, not really ." said Ella, raising her eyebrows. I gave her a bright smile, "I just want to go to my room, or anywhere else less awkward." my smile instantly dropped a my gaze was burning holes through her head but she just gave me her lovely Ella smile.

Diana was the only one that remained there silently laughing at the 6 of them.

I just stood there as everyone dispersed and olivia and I were the only ones left.

What reliable friends I have...

After everyone left, I sat with Olivia watching 'Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle'...

Why does it feel like I am sitting next to the Devil incarnate.

I closed my eyes and began praying and before I knew it, the movie was over I walked to my bedroom and saw my gorgeous shirtless husband, typing away as his muscles flexed away.

I took a deep breath and smiled widely at him,"Hello there." I said whilst raising an eyebrow.

He looked up and smiled at me, "Hello there, Gorgeous." he said to me getting off the bed and walked towards me. He but his waist around my waist and held me in his arms, "You made quite an impression."

"Agh, I made a fool out of myself." I said to placing my forehead against Eric's chest as both my hands gripped on his shirt.

There was a loud knock in the door so I pulled away and was about to the door when Eric grabbed my hand pulling me into him making me collide with his chest.

" I have to go, answer the door." I told him.

"if we quite they wil go away." he whispered to me.

"No."I said whilst laughing, I walked to the door and opened it,"Oh... Hi."

"Ya, I need to borrow cloths, but like sleeping cloths."said Olivia as I looked at her confused when I realized that I was stand in one of Eric's shirts I used to sleep.

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