Chapter 11

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« Violet's POV»

Working for that bastard is an actual nightmare. He plies me up with so much of work, I actually leave work at 11 pm and wake up at 5 am everyday, just to drive to the other side of the bloody city to get this ridiculously terrible coffee and donuts that for some odd reason he likes. It's been so rough I don't even remember what the sun feel like anymore.

I was currently in the middle of one of the most boring meeting I have ever attended. If practically made you want to commit suicide on the spot. I mean you had Gandalf on one side and a live version of  umbridge on the other, not forgetting the lady across me with a permanent serial killer smile plastered on her face. Everyone else looked like zombies from the walking dead. I took a deep breath and tried to focus.

Ah, the lovely smell of your youth  decaying

I guess this is the end I began to mourn the loss of my dwindling youth as I started out the conference room window walls. From where I sat I could see the streets filled with life I focused on the busy road filled with people rushing everywhere. If I can't live life I might as well try and live vicariously through the busy people on the road. My mind began giving them storyline. Like that man in the black suit running toward a cab, I believed he was going to the airport to stop the love of his life from leaving. The woman in the blue dress that was crying on the bench just broke up with her boyfriend who was cheating on her with her best friend and—

I heard the sound of a deep voice clearing their throat and I was instantly drawn back to my sad reality. Eric's eyes stared me down for a second before his gaze dropped to my notepad. I nodded feeling the heat rush to my cheeks before I looked back down. He continued the meeting as if nothing happened and to most people in the room it didn't. His movements were short and quick barely anyone would notice unless it was directed to you.

I made notes as I listened to the very long detailed meeting and felt my soul slowing slip away.


" Hey, today is your parents last day at home so... I thought it would be nice if you actually are home for supper." I said as I  held open the  glass door of his office at home. "Also before you say no. I am sorry, I ambushed you. It was wrong of me. I just got overwhelmed and upset that I was losing control of my life, so one impulsive decision created false reassure and now here we are."

"thank you for the explanation and apology, Violet... but you will still remain as my PA." He tolded me bluntly as he read someone documents in front of him. He never looked up once.

"Worth a short." I said as I laughed awkwardly, "but I hope you still come for supper. Your mum is making leg roast with wedges, butternut and her famous gravy." I sang the last part of the sentence.

"Are you trying to bribe me with her food?" He said raising a brow.

"Yes, is it working?" I asked with an unsure smile.

" Okay, fine. I will come." He finally looked up from his papers and I spotted the slightest hint of a smile  as he watched me in amusement.

I could help but smile as I  walked down to the kitchen. I had finally triumphed over Eric so it was only natural that I would  decide to throw my all into this supper as a way to celebrate my victory but also as a way to apologize to him for over stepping. What I did was low and I felt guilty right after I made the phone call so I have to try and redeem myself somehow. I rolled up my metaphorical sleeves and got to work with helping Elisa in the kitchen.


The rectanglar glass table had Elisa and I seated parallel each other and Eric and his father were on opposite ends of the table.

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