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"Woah, woah, woah, wait." Kian grumbled as he clung into the metal railing, scared to fall on the ice.

"Oh, come on. It's not that hard." Maria laughed, taunting him. We all burst out laughing as Oliver came slinging past us, facing towards us with his arms crossed as he mocked Kian.

"Wow, so cool." Kian grumbled, sticking out his tongue at Oliver.

"Can't help that I'm a god." Oliver said, shrugging. Kian frowned, letting go of the bar to prove him wrong.

"Oh yeah, watch this." Kian said. He went to step forward and his legs started sliding, looking like the noodle men blown up outside stores having sales.

"Wow, natural born skills." Maria joked and Kian grabbed onto the railing again, glaring at Maria.

"No, Ryleigh is a natural. She's amazing." Isaiah stared and I scoffed, rolling my eyes a bit.

"I am not even that good." I protested, shaking my head.

"Whatever. That one time you were reading and skating at the same time... with one leg lifted back." He said, trying to prove his point as the other looked at me.

"Awe, come on. We gotta see it." Maria said and Kian nodded really fast.

"Yes, someone needs to put Oliver in his place." Kian frowned and I shook my head, laughing at him.

"Fine, fine. I'll do a spin or something." I shrugged, pushing my feet on the ice as I raced forward. I pushed and pushed to build my momentum before pushing off and turning to the left, bringing one knee up as I kept my view on Isaiah to spot myself.

I couldn't help but think of Remington as I was spinning and the next time I'd see him. Would I see him at Maria's? Would they move again now that he's done with this job? I couldn't help but to let my mind wander to him. I didn't know why I couldn't get him out of my thoughts.

I even saw his face in my dreams a couple of nights ago. Why did I feel so bad?

I actually ended up doing a couple of turns before letting my leg fall on its own and skating back to the group.

"Holy cow," Kian breathed, his mouth dropped open.

"Dang girl, you kicked ass." Maria said and I gave a small smile.

"Told you guys." Isaiah said, shrugging his shoulders like he couldn't help being right.

"It was nothing." I shrugged, shaking my head.

"Ugh, I'm hungry." Oliver groaned and I laughed, Maria shaking her head at him and Kian rolling his eyes.

"You're always hungry." Kian pointed out and we all headed off the rink.

"Well, let's go to the store then and we can head back to mine. It's getting later anyways." Isaiah said and Oliver's eyes lit up.

"Okay, lets go." Maria shrugged and I nodded. We all headed out o the car and piled in again. Kian had the music blaring and everyone was laughing and having fun. I kind of tuned it out as we rode the way to the store. It didn't take long to get there.

They all climbed out, running into the store. I followed after them as Oliver played loud music on his phone, everyone in the store staring at us. They started taking random stuff from the shelves and tossing it in the cart like a game.

"Okay, one, two, three, stop!" Maria yelled as Oliver raced down the aisle with an arm up, stopping when she said to and dropping whatever his hand landed on into the cart. Kian was pushing off of the floor and using the car to race down the aisles. Maria and Isaiah were hanging back, following slowly after the two.

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