Chapter 21 - Positive Pregnancy Tests

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Chapter 21 - Positive Pregnancy Tests

After the trip I let Ashley spend the night so we could talk more. I'd say we're good again. Don't get me wrong I'm still watching her, but for now yeah we're besties again.

"Ugh do you have bite cream," I ask Ashley, scratching my mosquito bite till I bleed.

"Here I got this suction thing," she says, pulling out a green and white cylinder object out of her bag.

"Hey no scratching," she says, removing my hands. She then places the suction on my mosquito bites and pulls the top lever. She does it on every last one leaving a reddish, purple circular mark.

"Um Ash," I question looking into the mirror.

"Yeah," she says, doing her tie.

"It looks like a hickey," I exclaim pointing towards my neck. She removed the mosquito bite from there but now it left a purple and red mark. Ashley takes a second look at it before bursting out into laughter.

"Calm down babe, wear a turtleneck," she laughs.

"I didn't buy the school turtleneck," I look her dead in the eye.

"Put your hair down," she suggests trying to hold in her laughter.

"Bitch," I mumble, putting my freshly straightened hair down.

"Come on we're going to be late," she whines. I threw on the pair of uniform pants instead of a skirt so you couldn't see the aftermath of the mosquito bite remover on my legs.

We headed to the cafeteria for breakfast, Ashley usually can't eat with us but today she has a day off from clubs.

Since it's nice outside Nick suggested we eat on the yard in the grass. It's pretty nice, after me and Ashley got out breakfast we headed to the field.

"Hey," I muffle while eating my danish sitting next to Chris with Ashley on my other side.

"Sup," Sam says.

After the group fell into light conversation I accidentally moved my hair behind my back. It happens automatically when I eat, I didn't even notice till JJ mentioned my "hickey".

"Is that a hickey Storm," he asks surprised, Chris choked on his orange juice whipping his head to my neck.

"Um it's-,"

"It's nothing," Ashley cuts me off grabbing my arm and dragging me away from the group.

"What the hell Ash," I ask.

"Come on we need to see if Chris likes you. I say we let them think it's a hickey for the day," she pleas.

"I don't know, sounds like a bad idea," I tell her.

"Please, we won't even say it's a hickey. Just say nothing or I don't know," she whines.

"Fine," I huff out. I mean this seems like a shitty idea but where's the harm in fun. We sit back down and all the guys continue staring at me while I ate.

"Yes," I question.

"Is it a hickey," Nick asks.

"I don't know what it is or remember how I got it," I tell them, sounding confused.

"You don't remember a dude sucking on your neck," Chris asks his tone dripping with anger and sarcasm.

"She was with me all yesterday, she probably just burnt it with her straightening iron. See straight hair," Ashley helps flicking my hair.

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