Chapter 7 - You're My Devil

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Chapter 7 - You're my devil

"It's getting hot in here," the speaker plays.

"So hot!," Ashley and I sing at the top of our lungs.

"So take off all your clothes"

"I am getting so hot I'm going to take my clothes OFF!!" Ashley and I yell.

We were in my dorm and had began getting ready for the dance. We already threw on our costumes and now we're doing our makeup in the mirror.

Sarah hasn't been here. She decided to move in with her friends she'd spent the weekend with during the bug infestation. So Ashley has been sleeping here instead. She hates her roommate.

I decided to go with basic makeup and silver glitter below my eyes on my cheek bones flowing across along with Ashley but she had more of a colourful look to her glitter.

Then the song switched to Somebody Come Get Her.

"Somebody come get her she's dancing like a stripper!," Ashley and I scream.

The dance started about half an hour ago so hopefully most people are gone. We are still waiting on the boys who're 15 minutes late.

Ashley and I screamed, danced and laughed together while we waited.

"She's dancing a stripper!" Someone yells. But it wasn't me or Ashley. We looked back to see Nick singing and the boys staring at us. They looked us up and down twice.

Then the song changed to Ten Freaky Girls.

"In bikini bottoms I'm with Sandy!," I start singing and dancing around with Ashley.

"Moesha keep on drinking all the brandy!" Ashley sings.

"Keisha eat the molly like it's candy!!," Ashley and I scream and dance dragging the boys arms trying to get them to dance with us.

"Party poopers," Ashley pouts when they wouldn't dance. Only Nick did. He's our favourite. Kidding!

We turned down the music and checked out the guys.
I'll give you a description and you'll have to guess what they are dressed up as.

Nick is wearing black shorts with fake green leaves tied around his waist, over his shoulder like a sash and around his head like a crown.

JJ is wearing a ripped up white shirt with fake blood all over it. Ripped denim jeans with fake blood splattered on it. Messy hair, blood and had a green tint to his face.

Sam is wearing a cape with a tall collar that's black on the outside red on the inside. Black jeans and a white collared shirt. He also had blood dripping down the corners of his mouth.

Chris is wearing black ripped jeans and a red and black jacket that's open. With no shirt under showing his abs, v-line and boxer band on display.

"We tried to get him to dress up," Nick complains.

"I did, rawr I'm a vampire," Chris growls.

"Firstly vampires don't rawr. Second you don't even have fangs or fake blood like Sam," I say. He then felt his pockets and turned to Sam who shrugs.

"I gave you a wholsh pack of fangsh von't look at me if you lossh tem," Sam says his voice muffled from the fangs in his mouth.

"Well I'm going as Chris Walker eh," Chris mutters.

"Hold on," I say walking over to my bed to grab my halo and devil horns.

"Here, bend your head down" I say to Chris. He raises an eyebrow in question making me laugh.

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