Chapter 12 - Red Fucking Dots

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A/N: Don't be a silent reader - Comment 💕

Chapter 12 - Red Fucking Dots

"Are we done," I whine.

"We started 20 minutes ago," Chris says.

"I know but this is so boring. I don't even like chemistry," I continue to complain.

"Come on it's not that hard," Chris assures.

"Says the smart ass," I shoot him daggers.

"Come on just read my notes," he laughs, handing me his notes. I need my glasses to read this. I don't even think Chris knows I wear glasses. I've gotten by, by zooming in on the work on my laptops and putting it in large fonts.

"Don't laugh or say anything," I point a finger at him while taking my glasses out of my bag.

"Okay, but why," Chris asks. I take out my glasses and put them on and proceed to read his notes. I can literally feel his burning gaze on me.

"What," I ask looking up at him.

"Nothing," he chuckles.

"I said don't laugh," I say, hiding my face with his notes.

"You look cute," he says pushing my hands down to see my face.

"Whatever," I mutter, reading his notes.

"This makes sense!" I yell.

"Shhhhh," everyone in the library shushes me.

"Sorry," I whisper-yell.

"I understand," I whisper to Chris.

"Of course you did. I wrote those notes," he replies cockily.

"Anywaayyys, let's continue working," I drawl out. "What," I ask, when he stares at me biting the end of his pen.

"Nothing," he says looking down to his work. After an hour of working we took a break. We're now playing hangman.

"Pterodactyl," Chris says.

"Damnit, didn't think you'd get that" I mutter.

"I'm just that good babe," he winks.

"Hello, my children," Nick says, grabbing a chair sitting down with us. Where did he come from? Sam and JJ also join on the other side of Nick across from us.

"What're you guys doing here," I ask.

"Tomorrow night is theee drumroll please," Nick starts. Sam and JJ imitate the drumroll sound tapping their hands on the table lightly.

"Annual Andergrove Slumber Party," Nick announces.

"What's that," I ask cluelessly.

"School sleepover," Chris answers leaning back in his chair.

"Don't we already sleepover at school? It's a boarding school," I ask.

"Yeah but not in the dorms. Emails are out, check which part of the school you're sleeping in," Sam answers. I pull out my phone to go to my school email account and find the email.

"There's the gym, library, auditorium, p-,"

"Gym," I cut Nick off. Everyone around the table smiles widely.

"What. What did you guys g-," I didn't even finish my sentence before Nick cut me off.

"WE ARE MATCHING! I'm getting us matching outfits tonight," he yells.

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